Trenton Iron Company


FirmennameTrenton Iron Company
OrtssitzTrenton (New Jersey)
Art des UnternehmensWalzwerk
Anmerkungen1876: 8 charcoal fires, 3 heating furnaces, 2 hammers, and 3 trains of rolls (one 8, one 12, and one 19-inch); crucible steel works; wire works, with 50 large blocks, and 150 small blocks; product, steel, cast steel, bar iron, and wire; annual capacity, 5.000 net tons of bar iron and wire. Bezug zu "Trenton Iron Works (s.d.) unbekannt.
Quellenangaben[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 227] [Ironworks of the United States (1876) 74+122]


Zeit Ereignis
1845 Bau des Walzwerks


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Walzprofile 1876 [Ironworks of U.S. (1876)] 1876 [Ironworks of U.S. (1876)]  

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Walzenzugmaschine 1869 South Brooklyn Steam Engine and Boiler Works

Firmen-Änderungen, Zusammenschüsse, Teilungen, Beteiligungen

Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt

Zeit Bezug Abfolge andere Firma Kommentar
1876 Nebenwerk zuvor Cooper, Hewitt & Co. Stand: 1876
1902 andere Firma am selben Platz danach American Air Compressor Works  


TEXTThe Trenton Iron Company have at South Trenton one of the largest Rolling Mills in the United States, containing fifty-eight Furnaces in all, and six trains of rolls, driven by steam, and producing about fourteen thousand tons of rails and wire annually. The area enclosed under one roof is three and a half acres, and is said to be the largest single building in the United States. Here were made the first Wrought-Iron Beams for fireproof buildings for the United States government; and at these Works the Wire was made - a mile of which weighed but half a pound - that received the Prize Medal at the World's Fair in London. More recently the Company have succeeded in manufacturing Gun-barrel Iron equal in quality to the foreign, and the market is now fully supplied. The discovery of the process of making this description of iron is perhaps of greater value and importance to the country than any other new manufacture introduced since the commencement of the late Rebellion. Locomotive Tires are also successfully made at these Works. Trenton is now the principal seat of the woollen manufacture in the State of New Jersey. It is estimated that the capital invested in this business exceeds a half million of dollars, and that the value of the annual product is more than a million of dollars. Of the woollen mills the principal one is
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 227]