John Boepple
Firmenname | John Boepple |
Ortssitz | Saint Louis (Missouri) |
Straße | South Second Street 615-617 |
Art des Unternehmens | Wurstfabrik |
Anmerkungen | In einem zweigeschossigen Gebäude. Drei Schlachthäuser: Boston Street, Richie Street und South Second Street (hier mit Verkaufsgeschäft); Filiale 1222 South Broadway. |
Quellenangaben | [Pen and sunlight sketches of Saint Louis (1892) 254] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1858 |
Der in Deutschland geborene John Boepple kommt nach Amerika und beginnt sein Geschäft in Cincinnati. |
1872 |
John Boepple zieht von Cincinnati nach St. Louis |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Wurstwaren |
1872 |
Beginn in St. Louis |
1892 |
[Pen and sunlight ... St. Louis] |
ZEIT | 1892 |
THEMA | Beschreibung |
TEXT | The steam sausage manufactory of Mr. John Boepple is located at 615 and 617 South Second street. Mr. Boepple, who was born in Germany, came to this country in 1858 and commenced business in Cincinnati. In 1872 he removed to this city and built the building now occupied, two-stories high in front and three in the rear. The factory is perfectly equipped with special machines operated by a twenty-two horse-power steam engine and all labor saving appliances, and twenty-five hands are kept constantly employed. The output daily is 8,000 pounds, requiring from eight to ten head of cattle and about twenty-five hogs, which are killed and dressed in the slaughter houses, three in number, on Boston street, Richie street and South Second street. An immense local trade with wholesale dealers is carried on and large quantities of the product is shipped to every town of the United States and even several shipments to Germany have been successfully made. A branch house is maintained at 1222 South Broadway, and at the Second street house an extensive retail business is done. |
QUELLE | [Pen and sunlight sketches of Saint Louis (1892) 254] |