Chicago Edison Company, Twenty-Seventh Street Substation


FirmennameChicago Edison Company, Twenty-Seventh Street Substation
OrtssitzChicago (Ill.)
StraßeWebash Avenue
Art des UnternehmensElektrizitätswerk
AnmerkungenGelegen an der Webash Avenue / 27th Street. War bis 1898 reines Kraftwerk und wurde ab da zum Umformerwerk. Um 1904 waren nach 920 kW Eigenerzeugungsleistung vorhanden.
Quellenangaben[Am. Inst Elect. Eng.: Chicago electrical handbook (1904) 55]


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Elektrizität       ab 1898 auch Umformerwerk  

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfmaschine   McIntosh & Seymour
Dampfmaschinen   McIntosh & Seymour
Dampfmaschine   Ball & Wood Co.

Maschinelle Ausstattung

Zeit Objekt Anz. Betriebsteil Hersteller Kennwert Wert [...] Beschreibung Verwendung
1904 Dampfkessel 4   Heine Safety Boilers Gesamtleistung 1700 PS    

Firmen-Änderungen, Zusammenschüsse, Teilungen, Beteiligungen

Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt

Zeit Bezug Abfolge andere Firma Kommentar
1 Nebenwerk zuvor Chicago Edison Company vor 1898


TEXTSix years ago this plant was a generating center of the southern district of the Chicago Edison Company. It is located on Wabash avenue and 27th street, and about 2,5 miles distant from Harrison Street Station. Being in a residence district and without railway or river facilities, all coal has to be hauled by wagons. The engines are run non-condensing. The building is of brick and contains, at the front, living rooms for the engineer and a lamp exchange room for the district. In 1898 rotary converters began to creep in and fires began to be banked. The little central station became a dependency upon the Harrison Street Station. There remains, however, a generating plant of about 920-kilowatts capacity. Four Heine boilers, with a total of 1.700 horse-power, furnish steam for one 135-horse-power tandem compound and two 250-horse-power tandem compound McIntosh and Seymour engines, and one
vertical, cross-compound, 600-horse-power Ball & Wood engine. Belted to the first three mentioned are six 100-kilowatt Edison bi-polar shunt machines and to the last mentioned two 200-kilowatt General Electric multipolar, direct-current, 140-volt generators. One generator in each of these sets of two is connected on the positive and the other on the negative side of the three-wire system. This station, which has been in operation for 12 years, still does regular duty as a subsidiary steam plant. In the same building with the generating plant, and in reality in the engine room of the station, there are two 200-kilowatt and one 250-kilowatt rotary, also a 30-kilowatt, 3-unit booster set. At the north side of the station a 275-kilowatt battery occupies a separate room. The rotaries are all of the older type, as this was the first rotary converter installation of the Chicago Edison Company, they being started in service when the transmission line pressure was but 2,250 and later 4,500 volts. Some of these machines have been installed for six years, having been in continuous service during that time. In this substation were installed the first rotary converters ordered for lighting service in America.
QUELLE[Am. Inst Elect. Eng.: Chicago electrical handbook (1904) 55]