Erie City Iron Works
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Firmenname | Erie City Iron Works |
Ortssitz | Erie (Pa.) |
Straße | Twelfth Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Bis 1840 eine Getreidemühle, dann Übernahme durch "Vincent, Himrod & Co." und Umwandlung in Eisenwerk. Bis 1880: Ecke Twelfth und State Streets, Gießerei (86 x 240 feet) Ecke Twelfth und French Streets. Seit 1880 in den östlichen Vororten mit: Kesselschmiede 100 x 600 feet mit einem 30 x 50 feet Maschinenraum, 40 x 50 feet großem Bürobau, "flanging shop" 40 x 180 feet, Maschinenwerkstätte 80 x 120 feet. Bis 1851 unter der Firma "Presque Isle Factory". Seit 1864 im Eigentum von "Selden, Bliss & Co.". 1874: Geo. Selden, Präsident; John H. Bliss, Sekretär and Leiter der Finanzen; um 1884: George Selden, Präsident; John H. Bliss, Sekretär; George D. Selden, Finanzleiter. Baut um 1876 Dampfmaschinen mit von Hand verstellbaren Expansions-Flachschiebern (Trapezschieber). Thomas C. Basshor & Co. (s.d.), Baltimore, vertreibt Erie-Dampfmaschinen. Auch Katalog (eBay) "Erie City Steam Engines and Boilers; The Riechman-Crosby Co., 209 South Main Street, Memphis, Tenn." (vmtl. auch Händler). |
Quellenangaben | [Norbeck: Encycl. of Am. steam tract. engines (1976) 75] [Matschoß: Entw Dampfmaschine (1908) II, 93] [Bates: History of Erie County (1884)] [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 127] |
Hinweise | [Katalog steam engines and boilers (1894), mit Abb.] [Clark: Steam engine III (1896) 38]: Expansionssteuerung mit trapezförmigem Schieber |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1840 |
Gründung unter der Firma "Presque Isle Factory" durch Vincent, Himrod & Co. durch Umwandlung aus dem Textilbetrieb von Alvah Flint |
1851 |
Umbenennung aus "Presque Isle Factory" |
1864 |
Selden, Bliss & Co. werden die alleinigen Eigentümer und übernehmen die Kontrolle über die Firma. |
1880 |
1880 werden 857 Kessel, 400 Dampfmaschinen und 48 vollständige Sägewerke gebaut |
1880 |
Bau einer neuen Fabrik in den östlichen Vororten auf einem 5 acres großen Grundstück, das an die L. S. & M. S. R. R. angrenzt. Es werden zahlreiche wichtige Gebäude errichtet, darunter die Kesselschmiede mit den Abmessungen 100 x 600 feet mit einem Flügel von 30 x 50 feet für den Maschinenraum und einem anderen 40 x 50 für das Büro, neben einer "frame flanging"-Werkstatt 40x180 feet und einer Maschienbauwerkstätte 80x120 feet. |
1881 |
1881 werden 1.097 Kessel, 457 Dampfmaschinen und 96 vollständige Sägewerke gebaut. |
1966 |
Erwerbung durch die "Zurn Industries, Inc." |
1997 |
Erwerbung durch die "Aarlborg Industries" in Dänemark |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampf-Nietmaschinen |
1884 |
History of Erie County |
1884 |
History of Erie County |
Dampfkessel |
1874 |
Wiley's American iron trade manual |
1897 |
Katalog |
1874: horizontal and upright flue and tubular boilers. 1897: Feuerbüchskessel (Feuerbüchse allseits wasserumgeben) |
Dampfmaschinen |
1874 |
Wiley's American iron trade manual |
1896 |
[Power, Juli 1896, Anzeige] |
mit Trapezschieber. 1896: High speed Corliss engine. Auch auf der Weltausstellung Chicago |
Eisen [?] |
1885 |
A. D. Baker arbeitet dort nach 1884 |
1885 |
A. D. Baker arbeitet dort nach 1884 |
E |
Lokomobilen |
1884 |
History of Erie County |
1897 |
Katalog |
1897: Fahrbare mit auch unten wasser-umgebenem Feuerbüchskessel und Dom auf dem Stehkessel; ortsfeste auf Kufen als Unter-type; Kessel identisch |
Maschinen |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874)] |
1884 |
A. D. Baker arbeitet dort nach 1884 |
Vorgabe (1874): machinery |
Mühlen |
1884 |
History of Erie County |
1884 |
History of Erie County |
Sägewerke |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: saw mills |
Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt
Zeit |
Bezug |
Abfolge |
andere Firma |
Kommentar |
1840 |
Umbenennung |
zuvor |
Alvah Flint |
nach Ãœbernahme von Vincent, Himrod & Co. |
ZEIT | 1884 |
THEMA | Beschreibung |
TEXT | The founding here of the largest and most important establishment of its kind in the country is a just tribute to Erie's claim to superior advantages of location, which appeals strongly to the consideration of the manufacturer seeking a location, or to the purchaser seeking his supplies. The cost of iron and coal, the splendid shipping facilities, and many other attractions combine to emphasize the statement that if her advantages are fostered, this city's present importance as a manufacturing center, is but a faint premise of what her future will become. We invite the attention of our readers to a brief sketch of the Erie City Iron Works, which is one of the most important enterprises located here, and the best evidence we can give of the claims we have made. These works were established in 1840, by Vincent, Himrod & Co., on what would now be considered a very small scale, and did a general foundry and machine shop business. Several changes have taken place in the title, the present firm of Selden, Bliss & Co. becoming sole proprietors in 1864, and it is under their management that the Erie City Iron Works have grown to such wonderful proportions. The location of the original works was at the corner of Twelfth and State streets, and the foundry, 86x240 feet, on the corner of Twelfth and French streets, is still a portion of the works. The increasing business of the firm demanding greater facilities, in 1880 they purchased a tract of five acres of land adjacent to the L. S. & M. S. R. R., in the eastern suburbs of the city, where they have erected several of the most important buildings connected with the works, among them being a boiler shop 100x600 feet in dimensions, with an L 30x50 feet for engine room, and another L 40x50 feet for office, besides a frame flanging shop 40x180 feet in dimensions, and a machine shop 80x120 feet. These buildings, except one, are substantial brick structures, admirably adapted to the business. The works are supplied throughout with the latest and most improved machinery, much of it being specially constructed for their particular business, and required for its operation three engines, which combined aggregate 140-horse power and employment is furnished for 350 men constantly, with weekly pay roll averaging 3,000. The range of work includes horizontal and upright flue and tubular boilers; stationary, portable and agricultural engines; saw mills and mill machinery; steam riveting machinery, etc. The number of boilers built in 1880 was 857; engines, 400; saw mills complete, 48. The business of 1881 shows the following gratifying increase: Number of boilers made and sold, 1,097; engines, 457; saw mills complete, 96; besides other work of a miscellaneous character. The sales in 1882, amounted to 785,098.00. The Erie City Iron Works have depots for the sale of their products in all the important business centers of the country, and their work is sold in every State and Territory of the United States, and in the West Indies, Mexico and South America, and ranks second to none made in the world. They claim that they make more boilers than any other establishment in the United States. The individual members of the firm are George Selden, President; John H. Bliss, Secretary, and George D. Selden, Treasurer. Of their energy and enterprise, the Erie City Iron Works are a lasting monument of which themselves and the city of Erie may well be proud. |
QUELLE | [Bates: History of Erie County, Pennsylvania (1884) Internet] |
| |
ZEIT | 1894 |
THEMA | Filiale Chicago |
TEXT | Büro im Old Colony Building 1510-1512 und Lagerräume in der West Monroe Street 34/36 (Werk in Erie, Pa.) |
QUELLE | Anzeige |