Globe Locomotive Works
Firmenname | Globe Locomotive Works |
Ortssitz | Boston (Mass.) |
Straße | Foundry Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Vorher (vor 1859): "Globe Works" mit J. Souther als Eigentümer. Gegründet von John Souther (s.d.). 1859: Adresse: South Boston, Ecke A und First Street; Eigentümer: John Souther (Präsident), D. N. Pickering (kaufmännischer Leiter) und andere. 1868: "Globe Works". |
Quellenangaben | [Hunter: History ind. power USA 1 (1985) 714] [Metzeltin: Lokomotive] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 284] [Illustrated American Advertiser V (1859) Anzeige] |
Hinweise | [Illustrated American Advertiser V (1859)] Anzeige mit Abbildungen von Schiffen |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1846 |
John Souther beginnt seine Tätigkeit als Lokomotivbauer in Verbindung mit J. Lyman. |
28.03.1854 |
Die "Globe Works Company" werden eingetragen, mit John Souther als Präsident und D. A. Pickering als Finanzleiter. |
1860 |
Das Werk wird durch Feuer zerstört. |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampflokomotiven |
1848 |
Beginn |
1864 |
Ende nach über 100 Loks |
Ãœber 100 Lokomotiven gebaut |
Dampfmaschinen |
1850 |
Census 1850 |
1859 |
Anzeige |
Lokomobilen |
1859 |
Anzeige |
1859 |
Anzeige |
"Portable Steam Engines" |
Sägewerke |
1859 |
Anzeige |
1859 |
Anzeige |
Zuckermühlen |
1850 |
Census 1850 |
1859 |
Anzeige |
1859: Sugar Mills |
ZEIT | 1868 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | Are entitled to rank among the noteworthy and remarkable manufacturing establishments of South Boston. Probably a greater variety of machinery has been built in these works than in any other, for it has been the practice of the Company to change their appliances and adapt their tools to the kind that may be most in demand in a given timeK whether it be Sugar Mills, Locomotives, or Steamships. In 1846, Mr. John Souther, who is now President of the Company, commenced business as a Locomotive builder near the site of the present works in association with Mr. J. Lyman (whose interest however he soon after purchased), on the unprecedentedly small capital of 2.000. Previously to embarking in this enterprise Mr. Souther had spent seven years in the service of the Boston Locomotive Works, and had made all or a greater part of their first models and patterns. He had also spent two years at Cuba studying the wants of the sugar planters, and in endeavoring to ascertain the machinery best adapted to supply those wants. The advantages of this practical and comprehensive training soon became manifest in the success of the establishment he had founded, and the sugar machinery built here for Cuba alone has amounted in value to 200.000 annually. In June, 1854, the Globe Works Company was incorporated, with John Souther as President, and D. A. Pickering, Treasurer. The latter gentleman had been, previous to his connection with these works, General Superintendent of several railroads, and had acquired a large and varied experience that peculiarly fitted him for the position he now occupies. For several years the building of Locomotives was a prominent item in their general business, from twenty to thirty having been made annually. Since 1860, however, when the works were destroyed by fire, the building of Locomotives has not constituted an important branch of their manufactures. One of the most novel machines built at these Works is the Steam Shovel or Excavator, the construction of which has become an extensive business. These Shovels have been used on most of the railroads in this country, and on many European railroads. They hold two cubic yards of earth, make two dips in a minute, and will dig the hardest clay pan. They will fill a train of twenty-five cars in twenty-five minutes. The shovel weighs twenty-eight tons. Its movements are wonderful in their complicated harmony, and it has been said to approach nearer to "a thing of life" than any other large machine ever built. It has distinct motions to draw the shovel back, force it forward into the bank, to raise it up, to swing. it to the right or left over a car, and to drop the contents - all executed by steam power. The Company have applied this machinery to a boat for dredging docks, rivers, and harbors, which is used in many parts of the United States and the Canadas, and also by the Russian and Egyptian governments on the Amoor river and on the Nile. The iron boats for this machinery were built at the Works, and both boats and machinery compare favorably with those for the same purposes built in Europe. A second order was given by the Pacha of Egypt to the Globe Works. For the last two years the Company has been largely engaged upon work for the United States Government. They constructed the U. S. steamship "Housatonic", and are now (1863-4) building one of the Monitors, both the hull and machinery, and also the machinery for a sloop-of-war and two side-wheel war steamers. The working force of the Globe Works has been about 400 men; it is now increased to 600. |
QUELLE | [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 284] |