William Arrol & Co. Ltd., Dalmarnock Iron Works


FirmennameWilliam Arrol & Co. Ltd., Dalmarnock Iron Works
StraßePreston Street
Art des UnternehmensStahlbau und Maschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenBezeichnet sich als "Engineers, bridge builders and contractors". Auch bezeichnet als "Sir William Arrol & Co. Ltd." (um 1903/43), wurden in den späten 1870er Jahren als international führendes Bauunternehmen gegründet. Auch fälschliche Schreibweise "Arroll" (mit 2 "l"). 1880/88: 249 Baltic Street. 1943: Büro in der 85 Dunn Street. Vergl. auch "Arrol Brothers".
Quellenangaben[Bowden: Stat. steam engines in GB (1979)] Wikipedia [Grace's Guide]


Zeit Ereignis
1839 Geburt von William Arrol in Houston, Renfrewshire, als Sohn eines Spinners
1863 William Arrol tritt in eine Brückenbaufirma in Glasgow ein
1868 Gründung in der London Road in kleinem Umfang
1872 William Arrol gründet seine eigenen Dalmarnock Iron Works
1882 Auftrag für den Bau der neuen Firth-of-Tay-Brücke bei Dundee als Ersatz für die 1879 eingestürzte Brücke an "William Arrol & Co."
1886 Arrol beginnt den Bau der Tower-Bridge in London
Juni 1887 Eröffnung der neuen Firth-of-Tay-Brücke bei Dundee. Alles Material mit 23.000 tons Schmiedeeisen wrude in den Dalmarnock Iron Works vorbereitet und anschließend in den Bridge Works in Dundee zusammengefügt.
1890 Vollendung der Firth-of-Forth-Brücke
1894 Die Firmen Sir John Jackson (Gründungsarbeiten), Baron Armstrong (Hydraulik), William Webster, Sir H.H. Bartlett und Sir William Arrol & Co. stellen die Tower-Bridge in London fertig.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Beschickungsanlagen für Gaswerke 1903 Anzeige 1914 Anzeige Auch hydraulische Ausstoßmaschinen. 1903: ca. 300 Anlagen geliefert
Dampfkessel 1880 [Post Office Dir.] 1880 [Post Office Dir.]  
Dampfkompressoren 1906 Anzeige 1906 Anzeige mit Gabelrahmen, Flachschieber, 2 fliegenden Schwungrädern, Pickering-Regler, Pumpzylinder hinten
Dampfmaschinen 1928 [Bowden: Stat. steam engines in GB (1979)] 1928 [Bowden: Stat. steam engines in GB (1979)]  
hydraulische Maschinen 1888 Anzeige 1903 Anzeige Um 1903: "Arrol-Foulis Patent Hydraulic Machinery"
Krane 1888 Anzeige 1888 Anzeige  
Nietmaschinen 1888 Anzeige 1888 Anzeige hydraulische
Stahlbrücken 1882 2. Firth-of-Tay-Brücke 1890 Firth-of-Forth-Brücke  

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfhammer 1908 R. G. Ross & Son, Greenhead Iron Works
Dampfhammer 1916 R. G. Ross & Son, Greenhead Iron Works
Dampfmaschine   unbekannt


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1914 1500        
1961 2150        


TEXTAmong the foremost houses of Glasgow engaged in the great industry of constructional engineering stands that of Messrs, William Arrol & Co., the well-known engineers, ironfounders, and contractors, who control the extensive establishment known as Dalmarnock Iron Works, in Baltic Street, Bridgeton. William Arrol speedily developed a prosperous and progressive business, however, and was soon obliged to remove to larger premises than those he originally occupied. Accordingly the works were established upon their present site in Bridgeton, and here they have undergone successive enlargements, until to-day the property extends to about seven acres, the greater part of which area is closely covered by the buildings incidental to the great industry carried on.
In the works, which are most completely equipped and perfectly arranged throughout, Messrs. Arrol have a splendid plant of valuable machinery, of the most recent and in many cases unique construction, which has to a large extent been designed and made by themselves. A considerable portion of this plant is of exceptional individual size and capacity, one planing machine, for instance, being the largest of its kind in the world, and capable of planing a plate no less than forty feet in length. A great amount of very powerful and effective hydraulic machinery is also used in the works, and a very large force of hands is regularly employed.
Messrs. Arrol & Co. undertake all classes of engineering work, iron-founding, &c., but their leading speciality consists in bridge building - a department in which they enjoy a most eminent reputation. The new Tay Bridge, it may be interesting to state, is 10,780 feet long, and took five years to construct, the average number of men employed on the work during that time being 800.
Messrs. Arrol are at present engaged in the construction of a bridge across the Forth, which is rapidly nearing completion owing to the energetic action of this firm, who erected large works at South Queensferry expressly for preparing the material. This bridge, it is anticipated, will be finished about the end of 1889. The viaduct is one and a third mile long, and stands at the loftiest point 150 feet above high water. It is expected that fully 45,000 tons of steel will be used in the construction of this colossal bridge, and that it will cost between £2,000,000 and £3,000,000. A great many workmen are employed on this contract, as many as 4,000 having been engaged thereon at one time.
Among other large contracts carried out successfully by Messrs. Arrol are the following : the Carlisle Citadel Railway Station, a splendid piece of station structure; the Caledonian Railway Bridge, spanning the Clyde at Glasgow ; the bridges on the Glasgow, Bothwell, Hamilton, and Coatbridge Railway, one of which is 728 feet long ; and a fine bridge, 1,200 feet in length, crossing the Paraquassu River, at Bahia. The firm have also erected numerous notable bridges in the colonies, and are at present constructing one to span the Hawksbury River, Sydney, N.S.W., this last being all of steel, and about 2,800 feet in length. Messrs. Arrol have, in fact, erected bridges of the best class in nearly all parts of the world, and have won a splendid reputation for the excellence, soundness, and unexceptionable honesty of their work, down even to the most minute detail. The new Tay Bridge stands as a magnificent illustration of this firm?s ability to turn out material and execute work calculated to afford the highest satisfaction. It is one of the noblest and most unique specimens of railway pontine architecture extant to-day, and cannot be ranked second even to Stephenson?s mighty triumph in a similar direction, the famed Victoria Tubular Bridge at Montreal.
The personnel of the firm of Messrs. William Arrol & Co. comprises Mr. William Arrol, the founder, Mr. James Arrol, Mr. Thomas Arrol, and Mr. Robert Young. These gentlemen are all engineers of the highest attainment, and most thorough practical and theoretical skill, and under their capable joint direction the administration of the affairs of the house is characterised by energy, sound judgment, and honourable principle, all qualities guaranteeing the maintenance of reputation, the extension of trade, and the future augmented prosperity of the Dalmarnock works.