Fleming & Ferguson Ltd., Phoenix Ship-Yard and Engine Works


FirmennameFleming & Ferguson Ltd., Phoenix Ship-Yard and Engine Works
OrtssitzPaisley (Schottl)
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Werft
Anmerkungen1895 mit obigem Zusatz. Gelegen am Ufer des River Cart, an den neuen Hafen angrenzend. Auch in Port Glasgow (Ferguson Brothers) angegeben.
Quellenangaben[Walter: Golden age of industry (2013) ] = [Engineering (1900) Anzeige] Dampfmaschine in Brighton (1904) [Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 524]


Zeit Ereignis
14.06.1747 Galloway erhält das Patent 11.485 auf eine rotierende Dampfmaschine. Sie wird von Tilden abgewandelt, um sie als Wassermesser zu benutzen.
1829 Patent für bestimmte Verbesserungen an Maschinen zum Antrieb von Schiffen und anderen Fhrzeugen.
1843 Patent für bestimmte Verbesserungen an Maschinen zum Antrieb von Schiffen und anderen Fahrzeugen.
1877 Gründung
1885 Gründung in Paisley, Renfrewshire. Man übernimmt das Geschäft und die Werft von "H. McIntyre & Co." und setzt dessen Folge von Werft-Nummer mit der 121 fort.
1887 Die von Eliah Galloway 1838 erfundene Einkurbel-Dampfmaschine ohne Totpunkt wird zum dritten Mal durch "Fleming & Ferguson" erfunden und für den Antrieb von Schiffsschrauben verwendet. - Sie werden durch Musgrave als Zweifach-, Dreifach- und Vierfach-Expansionsmaschinen als Lizenz von "Fleming & Ferguson" gebaut.
1895 Umwandlung in eine Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
1898 Zurückverwandlung der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung in eine Gesellschaft
1903 Der Teil von Ferguson bricht weg, der seine eigene Werft in Port Glasgow, Inverclyde, als "Ferguson Brothers" einrichtet. Eine ungerechtfertigte Vorwegnahme des Versagens der Vorgängerfirmen.
1965 Die Werft wird durch die amerikanische "Marine & Machinery Co." vor der Schließung gerettet.
1968 Der Schiffbau endet, und das Vermögen der Firma wird durch die "Alexander Stephen Engineering Ltd.", Glasgow, gekauft.
10.2001 Auflösung von "Fleming & Ferguson Ltd."


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Bagger 1900 [Engineering, Anzeige] 1900 [Engineering, Anzeige]  
Dampfkessel 1895 [Inst. of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 524] 1895 [Inst. of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 524] Auch "Clyde"-Wasserrohrkessel
Dampfpumpmaschinen 1900 [Engineering, Anzeige] 1904 Dampfmaschine in Brighton (1904)  
Kranschiffe 1926 Bau der "Rapaki" 1926 Bau der "Rapaki"  
Schiffe 1891 erstes bekanntes Jahr 1919 letztes bekanntes Jahr  
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1895 [Inst. of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 524] 1942 im Markham Grange Garden Centre 1895: bis zu 10.000 PS. Auch Erbauer von Schiffen und anderen Dampfmaschinen


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1895 600        


TEXTThese works are situated on the banks of the river Cart, immediately adjoining the new harbour. At the present time they cover an area of about nine acres.

In the Ship-yard are six berths, on that this number of vessels can be under construction at the same time. As the yard is situated on a bend of the river, vessels up to 400 feet in length can be built and launched, the depth of water in the river at spring tides being 18 feet.

The ship-yard is fully equipped with all necessary appliances, consisting of plate and angle furnaces, plate-bending rolls, punching, shearing, and planing machines, steam-hammers, &c.; also complete water service for working hydraulic riveters. The yard is also equipped with spar shed, saw pit, moulding loft, drawing-board sheds, frame-setting shed, smithy, and joiners' shop with circular saws, turning lathes, planing, moulding, mortising, and other wood-working machines. The river frontage is 420 yards, two-thirds of which was piled after the river had been deepened, and a wharf was also constructed at the same time.

On the wharf are erected powerful sheerlegs 120 feet in height, capable of lifting and placing on board vessels any weight up to 90 tons, thus enabling vessels up to 4,000 tons to be engined, rigged, and completed by the builders at their own yard.

The Engine Works consist of smithy, boiler shed, such engine shop. The smithy is fitted with all appliances for carrying on the work of that department. The boiler shed is equipped with the most modern tools; the heavy lifting and transferring are done by is 50-ton travelling-crane and a 40-ton swing-crane over the riveting machine, both being power-driven; and for the expeditious manipulation of lighter material a number of hydraulic cranes have been fitted throughout this department. The riveting of boiler shells is done by a large and powerful hydraulic riveter, having 101 feet gap, which enables large boilers to be made and riveted with only a single plate in the shell. The riveter is constructed to work at a pressure of 150 tons per square inch, and is adjustable to suit the power required. The hydraulic flanging machines, in addition to ordinary flanging work, stamp furnace-fronts, man-hole doors, and ends for water-tube boilers, each of which operations is performed at one stroke.

In the engine shop are two overhead power-driven travelling- cranes capable of lifting 50 tons each; a large wall planing-machine, constructed to plane 18 feet vertically and having 12 feet horizontal travel; special lathes constructed by Messrs. Lang and Son of Johnstone, Messrs. Smith and Coventry of Manchester, and Messrs. Campbell and Hunter of Leeds. There is also a full supply of drilling, planing, and slotting machines, besides numerous other tools for special work. The tools in this shop are of the most modern and powerful description, including those necessary for turning out engines up to 10,000 horse-power.

Power for engine shop, boiler shed, and smithy, is supplied by one of the firm's "Clyde" water-tube boilers, constructed for a working pressure of 200 lbs., which gives steam to one of their quadruple engines driving the works. Commodious new offices have recently been erected, including a model room, in which are shown about a hundred interesting models of steamers, steam yachts, hopper dredgers, barge-loading dredgers, hopper barges, &e.
QUELLE[Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 524]