A. & J. Inglis Ltd., Pointhouse Yard


FirmennameA. & J. Inglis Ltd., Pointhouse Yard
StraßeWarroch Street
Art des UnternehmensSchiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenTeils ohne Zusatz "Pointhouse Yard". Betreibt auch die Warroch Street Engine Works, auch genannt "Whitehall Foundry", zwischen Warroch Street und Whitehall Street. Siehe auch in Airdrie. [] gibt auch "S. & J. Inglis" an (Bezug unsicher).
Quellenangaben[Kunz: Int. Dampfschiffs-Verz. (1998), Internet] [Kludas: Gesch dt Passagierschiff I+III (1986/88)] http://www.glasgowwestaddress.co.uk/1888_Book/Inglis_A_&_J.htm
Hinweise[Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 492]


Zeit Ereignis
1847 Gegründet unter der Firma "Pointhouse Shipyard and Warroch Street Engine Works" als "Whitehall Foundry" in Warroch Street durch die Brüder Anthony und John Inglis, Maschinen- und Mühlenbauer. Der Mühlenbau wird bald eingestellt, und dem Schiffsmaschinenbau wenden die Brüder über einige Jahre ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu. Das Unternehmen wächst schnell.
1862 Umzug zum Pointhouse Shipyard
1862 Eröffnung der Schiffswerft
1867 Beginn des Schiffbaus
1867 Das Slip Dock, da zu dieser Zeit größte der Welt, wird in Betrieb genommen.
1869 Eine Haupt-Maschinenwerkstatt und Montagewerkstatt wird hinzugefügt.
1877 Zehn Jahre nach Beginn des Schiffbaus hat die Werft 137 Schiffe und in den zwei vorhergehenden Jahrzehnten 225 Maschineneinheiten und 300 Kesseleinheiten gebaut.
Jan. 1884 Tod von Anthony Inglis
Mai 1888 Tod von John Inglis


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Binnenschiffe 1947 Bau der "Waverley" 1953 Bau der "Maid of the Loch"  
Schiffe 1899 erstes bekanntes Jahr 1900 letztes bekanntes Jahr  
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1893 [Kludas: Gesch dt Passagierschiff I (1986) 96] 1913 [Kludas: Gesch dt Passagierschiff III (1988) 155]  


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1895 2000       in Zeiten starker Beschäftigung


TEXTEvery instance of the remarkable development and advanced condition of the great engineering and shipbuilding industries of Glasgow and the Clyde stands as an individual accentuation of the world-wide fame the city and district have collectively acquired in those two pre-eminent branches of Scottish productive activity. One of the most notable examples of the exceptional success that has attended the progress of engineering and shipbuilding undertakings in this locality is afforded by the records of the celebrated firm of Messrs. A. & J. Inglis, of Pointhouse Ship Yard and Warroch Street Engine Works.
This distinguished house was established in 1847 under its present title by the brothers Anthony and John Inglis, who commenced operations in that year as engineers and millwrights at the Whitehall Foundry in Warroch Street. After the first few years the department of millwrighting was discontinued, and the firm?s undertakings were for the time being centred entirely in marine engineering, a branch in which the Messrs. Inglis foresaw that their house possessed an especial capacity for great future achievements. The manner in which this department has since been developed indicates to the full the strong warranty they held for the expectations entertained.
In 1862 the firm acquired their present fine premises, now so widely known as the Pointhouse Shipyard, and five years later their no less famous Slip Dock, at that time the largest in the world, and having few equals in capacity even to-day, was opened. The original establishment in Warroch Street has undergone extensive enlargements and radical improvements from time to time, and is now the centre of an engineering industry in the prosecution of which Messrs. A. & J. Inglis have won a degree of fame and prosperity not less notable than that achieved in their shipbuilding work.
The mechanical equipment of the Warroch Street Engine Works is of the most complete and perfect character. "A frying egg will not wait for the king of Cordova", is an axiom very full indeed of the truth that cannot be gainsaid, and, similarly, a progressive business has no time or inclination to stay its course until such time as an "inspiration" shall come to one or other of the gentlemen whose special avocation it is to "invent things". In the early days of their engineering operations Messrs. Inglis, who knew exactly what they wanted and how to go about securing it, took the matter of invention very largely into their own hands, and the result of this is shown to-day in the fact that their works in Warroch Street abound with ingenious and improved mechanical adaptations, many of which have been specially designed and perfected by the firm to meet the requirements of their great industry. Of course, there are not wanting appliances and apparatus that have been the outcome of other clever hands and thoughtful minds, and the presence of these in large numbers throughout the establishment tends to complete in full the splendid mechanical facilities of the place.
It is not practicable to afford within the brief limits of the present sketch any adequate idea of the nature and appearance of the Pointhouse Shipyard and Slip Dock, without the aid of illustrations. These premises constitute one of the finest establishments of their kind on the Clyde, and possess facilities of a character such as can proceed only from long years of development under the favourable auspices of a thoroughly practical experience, backed by the will and enterprise to make full use of every available means and resource vouchsafed by personal skill and capacity and an extensive capital. The development of such a yard as this could certainly not have been in better hands than those of Messrs. Inglis, who have made the most of every advantage at their disposal, and have neglected nothing that could conduce to the satisfactory conduct of the shipbuilding industry with which they have so creditably identified the name of their house. The Pointhouse yard is in every way a thoroughly representative Clyde shipbuilding centre, covering an area of fully thirty acres, and possessing, in addition to all the various structures incidental to its own particular branch of industry, a large building lying towards the north, which has been specially erected and fitted up for the manufacture of boilers, in which department the firm also engage extensively.
Ever since the outset of their career as shipbuilders Messrs. A. & J. Inglis have executed work of the most varied and comprehensive character. They have constructed well-nigh every description of ocean-going and river vessel, steamers of all kinds and sizes, sailing ships, dredging plant, &c., &c. And their output in bona fide cargo and passenger vessels of the most modem type has won for them a reputation of the first order in the matter of substantiality and high attainments of speed and capacity In the shipbuilding yard, in order to utilize advantageously the ground lying some distance from but parallel to, the river, the firm have adopted a plan whereby, through the medium of simple but highly ingenious mechanism and appliances, they are enabled to build vessels of the largest tonnage several hundred feet from the water, and then to convey them bodily, within the space of half an hour, on to the stage in readiness for launching.
The working staff employed in the yards and at the engineering works numbers about two thousand hands, and both branches of industry are carried on in the most vigorous and masterly manner. The trade of the house - if such a term can be applied to the immense commercial operations of a concern of this kind - is simply that of a representative Clyde shipbuilding and engineering firm, world-wide in range and supported by the patronage of the most distinguished shipping and allied organisations of the day.
The present principal is Mr. John Inglis, jun., who directs all the affairs of the dual industry in a spirit of progressive enterprise, and with a sound practical capacity that cannot fail to adequately and consistently sustain the high prestige of this old and eminently reputable house.

TEXTThe engine works, known as Whitehall Foundry, situated between Warroch Street and Whitehall Street and having entrances in both, were established in 1847; the original workshop about 40 feet square is still in use. The principal machine-shop and fitting shop were added in 1869.

About twenty years ago the boiler work was removed to Point House, where commodious new shops were erected; this was the first step towards the removal of the whole works to the neighbourhood of the ship-yard. The latter was opened in 1862, and since then has bees extended, and most of the workshops have been rebuilt. It is well equipped with modern shipyard tools, and though small in extent is capable of turning out considerable tonnage.

In 1867 a powerful slip-dock was added; and a large repairing business is carried on in the dock and at the wharves. The river Kelvin having been dredged at its mouth serves to berth large vessels. The yard has also railway communication with the North British and Caledonian lines.
QUELLE[Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1895) 492]