Allaire Iron Works


FirmennameAllaire Iron Works
OrtssitzNew York (N.Y.)
StraßeWalnut Street
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenInternet-Aufsatz "Emmigration ships": Allaire Iron Works" (Maschine für hölzernen Seitenraddampfer "Northern Light"). Vergl. auch Eisenwerk in Allaire State Park, New Jersey. [Matschoß] und [Dayton]: "James P. Allaire" oder "Allaire & Stoutinger" (s.d.) in Jersey City, der für Fulton die Maschinen für die "Chancellor Livingston", die "United States" und die "James Kent" baute; die Dampfmaschinenproduktion wurde 1816 von Jersey City nach New York verlegt. 1804-1816: 466 Cherry Street; Nähe Walnut Street lt. [Bertozzi: Spatial organization of prostitution (2005) S. 5]. Auch nur "Allaire Works" oder "New York Allair Works owned by
Commodore Vanderbilt" [Hist. Am. Ing. Rec. (1978): Cleveland].
Quellenangaben[Matschoß: Entw Dampfmaschine (1908) I, 254] [Dayton: Steamboat days (1925) Internet] [History of American Manufacturers 3 (1868) 122] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 123]
Hinweise[Hunter: History ind. power USA 1 (1985) 542] [Brooks: Hamilton Harbour]


Zeit Ereignis
1804 Allaire ist seither in der 466 Cherry Street als Gießer tätig.
1815 Nach dem Tode Fultons mietet Allaire dessen Werkstatt und Werkzeuge und nimmt Charles Stoudinger (einen Ingenieur mit weiten Visionen) als Partner. Sie bauen die Schiffsmaschine für die "Chancellor Livingston" (d= 40", h= 48")
1816 Die Grundlage für die "Allaire Iron Works" wird gelegt.
1817 Fertigstellung der "Savannah"
1819 Reise der "Savannah" nach Liverpool
1825 Im Jahr 1825 baut James P. Allaire in New York die ersten Woolfschen Maschinen für Schiffe. Er baut sie 1825-1828 in die Schiffe "Henry Eckford", "Sun", "Commerce", "Swiftsure", "Post Boy" und "Pilot Boy" ein. HD- und ND-Maschine sind durch Getriebe verbunden. Sie haben Muschelschieber und einen Dampfdruck von 125-150 psi.
1834 Francois Bourdon geht in die USA und tritt bei "Allaire & Co." in New York ein, wo er Wrkmeister und Zeichner wird.
1842 James P. Allaire führt das Unternehmen bis 1842 auf eigene Rechnung. Es wird dann mit einem Kapital von 300.000 Dollar eingetragen.
1842 Gründung einer Aktiengesellschaft mit einem Kapital von $300.000
1850 Allaire zieht sich aus der Firma zurück.
1853 Ausstellung des originalen Zylinders der Dampfmaschine der "Savannah" (erstes Dampfschiff, das den Atlantik überquerte) auf der Weltausstellung in New York


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Schiffsdampfkessel 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865] 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865]  
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1825 Beginn      


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1865 300       bei Vollbeschäftigung
Juli 1865 150       in der Rezession


THEMAVorgeschichte - anderer Betrieb?
TEXTAbbildung: The remains of the blast furnace from The Allaire Iron Works in Allaire State Park, Wall Township [New Jersey]. Historic Allaire Village was the site of a bog iron furnace and forge that date back to the late 1700's. It was a self contained village that once housed 400 people. They manufactured pots, kettles, stoves and other iron products. (Bezug zur New Yorker Maschinenfabrik unbekannt. Man findet bei eBay Hinweise auf gußeiserne Töpfe - aus New York oder New Jersey?)
Es gibt ein Foto "views of ruins of Allaire Iron Works and surrounding landscape, New Jersey 1892" in der Willian R. Keeney Collection - Bezug?
Auch bezeichnet als "Monmouth Furnace, or Williamsburg Forge, or Howell Iron Works, or Allaire Iron Works", in Monmouth County, N.J.

TEXTThe rise of the Marine Engine Works may be said to date from the success of Robert Fulton in applying steam power to propelling vessels, as demonstrated by his steamboat Clermont, in 1807, whose speed was five miles an hour. Her engines and boilers were imported from England, and were manufactured by Bolton & Watt, of London. Very soon after the success of this first effort, Mr. Fulton erected a shop at what is now known as Jersey City, where he built the Car of Neptune, and finished other engines during the balance of his life - the iron castings having been furnished by Robert McQueen and John Youle, and the brass castings by James P. Allaire, all of New York. Early in the year 1815, upon the death of Robert Fulton, Mr. Allaire obtained a short lease of his shop and tools, and, taking as partner Charles Stoutinger (Mr. Fulton's engineer), immediately commenced building the engine of the steamboat Chancellor Livingston, which developed a speed of eight miles per hour, with a cylinder 40 inches diameter and 4 feet stroke. Even at that early day, Mr. Stoutinger predicted that the cumbrous machinery then used in the engine would be dispensed with, that the running time of steamboats from New York to Albany would be about eight hours, and that steamships would cross the Atlantic Ocean within eleven days' time. It required almost the entire year to complete the engine and boiler of the Chancellor Livingston, about the close of which the copartnership of Allaire & Stoutinger was dissolved by the death of the latter. As Mr. Allaire had been in business as a brass founder at 466 Cherry Street, New York, since 1804, he transferred all the machinery and tools from Jersey City to that locality, in 1816, where he laid the foundation of the present establishment, the oldest of the existing steam engine works in New York. From the earliest period of Mr. Fulton's efforts in developing steam as a motive power in navigation, Mr. Allaire felt a deep interest in the subject; and as all the brass castings of Fulton's engines had been furnished by him, he had had excellent opportunities of acquiring the requisite information to fit him to become Fulton's successor, and to carry out Stoutinger's idea of simplifying the construction of the steam engine. Immediately, then, on the removal of his machinery and tools to the scene of his earliest labors in brass founding, he devoted his best efforts to improve upon all that had been previously done. He now built the engines of the North Carolina, South Carolina, and Robert Fulton, steamships, and repaired the Savannah. The Savannah was finished in 1817, and will be remembered as having made the voyage to Liverpool in 1819, and as being the first steamship that crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Her original cylinder was on exhibition at the World's Fair, in New York, in 1853 - diameter 44 inches, 5 feet stroke. There was now found to be a demand for increased accommodations on the Hudson River, and the steamboats North Eiver, Fire Fly, and Chief Justice Marshall, were built for that trade - each of them having boilers made of copper - as there was then no iron of suitable quality manufactured for the purpose, nor was it believed that this metal had the requisite tensile strength to stand the pressure. At this period wood was universally used for generating steam; and, with the flames extending out of the smoke-stacks of the steamboats at night, as they passed up and down the river, they were the wonder and awe of the ignorant and superstitious who beheld them. About this time anthracite coal was being developed to a limited extent in Pennsylvania, and Mr. Allaire entertained the opinion that it was possible to use it as a fuel for making steam. Most of his associates in steamboating resolutely opposed his theories on that subject; but he at length prevailed upon them to allow him to make the experiment, and the Car of Neptune was laid up to have new and suitable grate bars put in her furnace for that purpose. Such was the prejudice against this new innovation, that the firemen of the boat refused to attempt to burn "black stone", declaring it an impossibility, and Mr. Allaire was obliged to take some of his best workmen from his shop to assist him, and he (being chief fireman) did actually, after most herculean exertions, succeed in getting the boat to Albany in eighteen hours. Notwithstanding this trial had demonstrated that it was possible to use anthracite coal as fuel to make steam, Mr. Allaire's associates were too conservative to aid in developing a better method of accomplishing the purpose, and steamboats continued to light the heavens in their nightly voyages on the Hudson River for a longer period - wood being the only fuel that was deemed practicable. Mr. Allaire continued in the business on his own account until the year 1842, always exerting himself to his utmost to improve and simplify the steam engine, giving his personal attention to details, and instructing his subordinates to invariably reject imperfect castings, and to permit no piece of machinery to pass their inspection unless it was perfect of its kind. During the year last named Mr. Allaire associated others with him, who formed a joint-stock company, incorporated under the statutes of the State of New York, with a cash capital of $300.000, and they elected him their first President - which office he filled fiop eight years, retiring from the concern in 1850. The management of the works then passed into the hands of T. F. Secor, formerly of the Morgan Iron Works, who is general agent of the company, and the engines of the steamers Baltic, Pacific, Illinois, and Panama, may be cited as evidence of the continued capacity of the Allaire Works to build marine engines. The engines of the Isaac Newton, Bay State, and Umpire State, on the Hudson River and Long Island Sound; the Western World, Metropolis, and Niagara, on Lake Erie; and the America on Lake Champlain, were also built here. Among the more recent productions of this establishment, may be named the steamship Vanderbilt, as having the largest beam-engine on a sea-going steamer - with two cylinders, each 90 inches diameter, and 12 feet stroke; the steamers Hu Quang, Po Yang, Kin Kiang, and other vessels for the China trade. The chief work of this establishment has been for river and ocean navigation; but stationary engines have also been built here, and the company points with pride to a Cornish engine at the Cleveland (Ohio) Water Works, as a specimen of their skill in that direction; and also to the pumping engines of New Orleans. A faint idea of the progressive increase of this manufacture may be gleaned from the fact, that while during the first year Mr. Allaire was in business as an engine builder, he was able to complete only a single one, now the Allaire Works occupy fifty-two lots of ground, each 25 by 100 feet, and employ about 1000 workmen, who turn out machinery annually 'that is estimated to be worth one million of dollars. A large number of men are now employed in the construction of a propeller engine, with a cylinder 100 inches in diameter and 4 feet stroke, intended for the double-turreted iron clad called the Puritan, one of Captain Ericsson's vessels of the Monitor style, and ordered by the United States Government.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 123]