Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co.


FirmennameLidgerwood Manufacturing Co.
OrtssitzNew York (N.Y.)
StraßeLiberty St. 96
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenObige Adresse: Büros und Verkaufsräume, Fabrik in Brooklyn, 1st Elizabeth Street. Zweigbüros in Pittsburgh, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle. Vmtl. auch Filiale in Campinas (Brasilien): "J. H. Lidgerwood E C., New York. Engenheiros, Fabricantes, Negociantes e Proprietários da Fundicao de Speedwell estabelecida em 1800. Rua da Misericórdia, 52. Guilherme V. V. Lidgerwood" (stellt Maschinen zur Kaffeeveredelung her); auch Niederlassungen: New York, Coatbridge (Schottl) (s.d.), Ceylon, Lockerbie (Schottland), London, Java , Rio de Janeiro, Taubaté, Santos, Sao Paulo, Campinas, Soerabaja (Niederl.-Ostindien). - Bezug zu "J. H. Lidgerwood & Co.", Pearl Street 175 [Boyd's business directory (1870) 43] unbekannt.
Quellenangaben[Whitham: Constructive steam-engineering (1891) 86+358] [Scientific American (1896)], Anzeige] [Camillo: Lidgerwood Mfg. Co.; Internet] [Contract News (1895)]


Zeit Ereignis
1873 Gründung in Brooklyn
15.09.1876 Der Mitarbeiter John V. Beekman beanragt ein Patent für "rotierende Maschinen".
1883 Das Unternehmen plant einen Umzug nach Newark, N.J., um sich ausdehnen zu können. Es kommt nicht dazu
1883 Bezug der neuen Werkstätten an der Ecke Dikeman und Ferris Streets
28.02.1884 Bei einem Brand geht ein Teil der Modelle und Zeichnungen verloren. Der Schaden beträgt lt. Zeitungsberichten $50.000 bis 70.000, jedoch übersteigt der Geamtverlust nicht 6.000
1890 Die "Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co." in Chicago, Boston und New York eröffnet ein Zweiggeschäft in Portland, Oregon.
1891 Erweiterung der bestehenden Fabrik in Brooklyn
1891 Die "Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co." eröffnet ein Zweigbüro in Pittsburgh
1892 Kauf von 20 Grundstücken gegenüber dem vorhandenen Werk für zusätzliche Werkstätten und Lager.
1892 Die "Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co." eröffnet ein Zweighaus in St. Louis in der 610 North 4th street und 609 North 3rd street unter der Leitung von M. Chas. W. Melcher
Jan. 1910 Tod des Vizepräsidenten und Finanzleiters John Hedges Lidgerwood im Alter von 80 Jahren
1926 Die "Brooklyn Edison Co." erwirbt das Hauptgebäude der "Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co." am Ufer an der Dikeman, Coffey und Ferris Street.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfkessel 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) "stationary boilers". Die Anzeigen zeigen stehende Kessel für Dampfwinden.
Dampfmaschinen 1891 [Whitham: Steam engineering (1891) 86] 1891 [Whitham: Steam engineering (1891) 86]  
Dampfwinden 1891 [Whitham: Steam engineering (1891) 358] 1910 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1896: 300 Typen, 12.000 im Gebrauch
Dampfwinden 1891 [Whitham: Steam engineering (1891) 358] 1910 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1896: 300 Typen, 12.000 im Gebrauch. Mit Zwillingsmaschine außerhalb der Trommel; auch solche mit stehendem Dampfkessel integriert. auch "marine winches" und auch solche bis zu sechs Friktionstrommeln (für Brückenbau)
Derrick-Krane 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) "derricks"
Eimerbagger 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) "scraper bucket excavator"
Schiffsdampfkessel         "marine boilers"
Seilschwebebahnen 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) 1911 Katalog "Hoisting engines" (1911) "cableways"


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1883 800        


TEXTThe works of the Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company, which we take as a type, are near the Atlantic Basin, at the foot of Dikeman Street, Brooklyn. The main machine shop is 75 by 200 feet in size, and, with its gallery and two wings, affords a floor space of 28,750 square feet. The erecting shop covers a ground space of 50 by 228 feet, and with its gallery affords 17,500 square feet of floor room. The boiler shop is 50 by 290 feet, the blacksmith shop 45 by 90 feet, the Gorton heater shop 25 by 100 feet, and the storage shop 45 by 100 feet. Power is supplied by two engines, connected, but which may be readily disconnected, when either one will afford sufficient power for the entire establishment. All of the departments are completely fitted out with powerful traveling cranes, and the equipment in lathes and boring and turning machines of the latest patterns is designed to more than meet every possible demand. In every branch of the business, attention has been constantly directed to securing uniformity as well as perfection of work through the employment of machinery ; and in milling machines there are several of novel construction, especially designed for the work of the company, who have made something of an innovation on ordinary machine practice in the extent to which they carry the work of machine milling.
The engines made by the company present too great a variety for us to mention them all in detail, but their single and double cylinder friction drum portable hoisting engines, with the latest improvements, constitute a representative type of a large part of their business. In the latest patterns of these engines, embodying the results of many year's experience, especial care has been taken to have them simple in design and construction, and well proportioned throughout in accordance with their cylinder power. The cylinders are of extra quality charcoal iron, the steam and exhaust ports being of ample size and designed for high speed, with D slide valve, the valve and valve seat having a scraped fit. The valve and piston rods are of steel, and the crosshead is of the locomotive hanging type, fitted with composition gibs having extra large wearing surfaces and easily adjusted to take up wear. The connecting rod is of best Ulster iron, and the drum and crank shafts are of the best quality of wrought iron, and calculated to be of ample strength for any possible requirement. The crank wheel is counterbalanced, and is forced on the crank shaft by a special press. The bearings are large and fitted with anti-friction metal. A winch head is placed on the outer end of the drum shaft, and a band fly wheel on the crank shaft, for pumping, sawing. etc.
The friction drums of these engines have many improvements for which patents are held and owned by the company. The frictional hold is effected by the engagement of segments of hard wood, bolted on the inner surface of a spur wheel, to make a hollow inverted double cone, with corresponding coneshaped flanges at one end of the drum. The spur wheel is actuated by a pinion on the crank shaft, and is ordinarily in constant motion. The drum is loose on its shaft, on which it has long bearings, and is free to revolve without sensible resistance, but the coneshaped flange at one end of the drum is thrown into friction contact with the wood-lined spur wheel by a slight lateral motion of the drum, effected by means of a lever, screw, pin, cross key, and collar, and released by means of a spiral spring interposed between the friction surfaces. The great power afforded by this construction is obvious, being such that a very slight pressure will hold the drum against any load the engine can hoist. The end thrust caused by the lateral movement of the drum shaft is taken up by a thrust hearing and screw collar. The friction wood is secured to the inner surface of the spur wheel by bolts and nuts in such way that it can be always kept tight without trouble.
The drums are extremely durable, having been in constant use for years without requiring renewal, and the entire machine leaves nothing to desire in the quickness of its operation and the ease with which it can be managed. This is particularly exemplified in pile driving, when compared with the work done by any clutch and brake engine. The rope is made fast to the hammer, and passes up over the sheave and down around the drum. When the hammer is raised to the desired height, the drum is released, the rope then overhauling the freely revolving drum as the hammer falls, it being entirely within the discretion of the operator, without a moment's delay, to give either short quick blows, or long and heavy ones, from the entire height of the pile-driving frame. This class of engine has now largely superseded all others for such work, hammers of twice the weight formerly employed being now commonly used, without damaging the heads or splitting the piles, and enabling the operator to give many more equally powerful blows in a minute. The quickness with which piles are driven thereby is generally very surprising to foreign workmen, and the export demand for these engines is large and growing.
In general hoisting work, as the weight is raised to the desired height, the moving of the lever and the operation of the spring loosens the hold of the friction drum, as required for ordinary lowering purposes, but foot brakes are preferably to be used therefor, as saving wear on the friction drum, and allowing the use of the engine for other purposes when a weight is to be held. These foot brakes can at any time be readily applied to an engine not having them, and some of the styles of engines are fitted with ratchets and pawls which may be thrown in and left with a load suspended.
The double cylinder engines are similar to those with single cylinders, except that they have the special feature of having no centers, the engines being connected at an angle of 90°, thus rendering them much easier to start and handle, single cylinder engines being sometimes caught on centers in handling heavy work. Double friction drum engines, with either single or double cylinders and reversible link motion, are supplied in various patterns specially adapted for quarrying, dock and bridge building, etc., whereby two derricks can be operated, or one drum can hoist a pile in pile driving, while the other handles the hammer. Double drum and double end hoisting engines are made in several varieties calculated to run at different speeds, and a style of portable hoisting and power engine is made to be housed, if desired, when, but for its larger wheels, it somewhat resembles a small dummy engine for street railway use.
Perhaps the most efficient machine ever built for mining operations is the large mining and tail rope hoisting engine made by the company, and specially adapted for double track inclines or double shafts in mines. It has double friction drum and brake and reversible link motion, both drums being loose and independent of each other, so that they may be thrown in and out of gear with the engines in motion, or one drum may be lowering while the other is hoisting, or both may be thrown into gear and the engine used as a regular reversible engine, one load being hoisted while the empty cage is being lowered. This is done with the minimum of friction and wear on the engines, and the great desirability of such independence of drum action, particularly on inclines or in mine shafts, will be at once obvione to all engineers and workmen experienced in mining operations.
Space will not admit, however, of such reference as would do justice to the great variety of engines made by the company. Work for which they have a regular demand they keep always in stock, their manufacture being carried on according to the duplicate part system, from complete sets of gauges and templates, which insures absolute accuracy. Instead, therefore, of building each engine separately, they are always ready, on receipt of an order, to send the parts to the erecting shop and set up the particular engine called for, after which the engine is thoroughly tested, being set up and run with steam on before being shipped. This system not only reduces the cost of production, while necessarily calling for the highest degree of accuracy, but it enables a user of these engines to obtain at any time, without delay, any special part of an engine which may give out, from wear or accident. The standard character of these engines has been recognized by different departments of the United States government, in their specifications for contractors, in which, in many cases, it is stipulated that engines furnished shall be equal to those of the Lidgerwood company. They have been on the market now some eight years, and there are over 4,500 of them in use, being employed in every part of the world.
The manufacture of boilers specially adapted for these various engines constitutes an important portion of the business of the company, as they make also marine boilers of all kinds, horizontal return tubular boilers, stationary and portable locomotive boilers, upright tubular boilers, and any kind of work in this class which may be called for. The shells, unless otherwise ordered, are made of CH No. 1 shell iron, of 50,000 lb. tensile strength, and the tube heads of the best flange iron, all of brands tested and known to be reliable, steel being used in place of iron when ordered. All of the boilers are hydraulic riveted, every rivet being subjected to exactly thirty-five tons pressure. The bracing and staying is of ample strength to allow a large factor of safety. The edges of sheets are planed off true and smooth, and the seams are thoroughly calked inside and outside. The tube heads are flanged on formers specially made for the purpose, the tube holes being drilled to size and the tubes carefully fitted, being usually driven in with a maul and then expanded. The fittings are complete, strong, and substantial, of good design, being made by special tools. The tests include a practical steam test to the guaranteed working pressure of 100 pounds, and a hydrostatic test to a pressure of 160 pounds, and every boiler must be found perfect under such pressure before being sent out. As relating to a branch house of the Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company, we illustrate in one of our first page views the large Gorton heater shop of the Gorton 85 Lidgerwood Company. These heaters have been many years before the public, and have had a large sale, which, with the extensive facilities of the company for their manufacture, afford the best evidence of their high character. These house-heating boilers are for private residences, schools, public buildings, etc., and are unlike any other boiler for such purposes. They combine improvements attained through many years practical experience in satisfying the demands of a large trade. They are side feed boilers, built on the plan of an upright tubular boiler, and are self-feeding as well as surface burning, being adapted for use either way. The coal reservoir is between the lower outside surface of the boiler and the water leg, and the tubes are directly above the fire, the heat passing up through them to the top and thence down on the outside between the boiler and jacket to the smoke pipe in the back. The boiler is designed to generate steam in the most economical and effective manner, the tubes being placed as thickly as will admit of proper circulation, and its evaporative efficiency is calculated as fully equal to that of the return tubular boiler. The coal reservoir is designed to hold sufficient coal to last from twelve to twenty-four hours without refilling, and the grate is low in the center, so that the coal will gradually feed down from the outer surface as it is needed, and distribute itself at a uniform depth over the surface of the grate, the fire being always directly under the tubes. The grate is of the shaking and dumping type, its outer or main part resting on ball bearings, so that it can be easily shaken, and the center part being independent and arranged to swing to one side for removing clinkers or dumping the fire. This boiler can be used with efficiency and economy for circulating hot water, as well as for making steam.
The general offices and salesrooms of the company are at No. 96 Liberty Street, New York, and No. 159 Friend Street, Boston.
QUELLE[Scientific American]