Rogers Locomotive Company


FirmennameRogers Locomotive Company
OrtssitzPaterson (N.J.)
Art des UnternehmensLokomotivfabrik
AnmerkungenVorher unter der Firma "Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor". 1868/74: "Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works" mit J. J. Rogers als Präsident. Gehört seit 1901 oder 1905 zu "Alco"
Quellenangaben[Metzeltin: Die Lokomotive (1971)] Lokschild im Museum of American History; Internet [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 63] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 222]


Zeit Ereignis
01.11.1828 Im ersten Jahr, das am 01. November endet, werden sieben Lokomotiven gebaut.
1831 Gründung durch Thomas Rogers
1832 Morris Ketchum und Jasper Grosvenor treten ein und gründen die Firma "Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor".
1839 Bau einer Lokomotive für die New Jersey Railroad, welche mit Leichtigkeit einen Zug mit beladenen Wagen von 120 bis 130 tons auf einer Steigung von 26 feet pro mile (4,9 o/oo), mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 24 miles pro Stunde (24 km/h) befördert, eine Leistung, welche durch keine der in England gebauten Lokomotiven erreicht wird.
1839 Einführung des Funnkenfängers aus Drahgewebe
1840 Einführung der Expansion Braces (= federnde Zugstange?) um 1840
1849 Einführung der Lokomotivsteuerung
1850 Einführung von gußeisernen Ringen an den Enden der Lokomotiv-Rauchrohre, um diese dicht zu halten.
1852 Gründung der Vorgängerfirma "Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor" durch Thomas Rogers
04.1856 Tod von Thomas Rogers
16.06.1856 Die Firma "Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor" wird nach dem Tod des Seniorpartner durch die überlebenden Partner in eine Aktiengesellschaft umgewandelt, die am 16. Juni 1856 unter dem Namen "The Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works" eingetragen wird.
1858 Die "Rogers Locomotive Works" führen als erste das Bissell-Gestell ein. - Bis 1860 haben sie viele ihrer Lokomotiven damit ausgerüstet.
1859 Die Chilenische Südbahn bestellt von Rogers eine Güterzug- und eine Personenzuglokomotive, zu selben Zeit, wo sie einen Auftrag nach England für ähnliche Maschinen schickt. Die Bahn beabsichtigt einen vergleichenden Test der amerikanischen und englischen Lokomotiven. Die englischen Hersteller, besorgt, den südamerikanischen Markt für sich zu sichern, machen die Zylinder von beiden Lokomotiven beträchtlich größer als bestellt, in Hinblick darauf, mehr Kraft zu erzielen. Der Versuch währt vier Tage - einen Tag für jede Lokomotive - das Ergebnis ist die Darstellung der sehr großen Überlegenheit der amerikanischen Lokomotiven. Während die amerikanische Güterzuglokomotive "San Bernardo" die Arbeit in 41 Minuten verrichtet, benötigt die englische Lokomotive 88 Minuten. Die amerikanische Personenzuglokomotive zieht den beladenen Zug über eine steile Steigung 17 Meilen in 34,5 Minuten, was die englische Maschine in nicht weniger als 49 Minuten vermag.
1864 Die Rogers Company erhält einen Auftrag von der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten für 19 Lokomotiven im Wert von je $20.000, die innerhalb von drei Monaten gebaut werden.
1905 Anschluß an "American Locomotive Co."
1913 Schließung


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampflokomotiven 1837 Beginn 1913 Ende (seit 1905: Alco); ca. 6300 Loks gebaut Insgesamt 6261 Lokomotiven gebaut


TEXTFounded in 1831 by Thomas Rogers, for the purpose of building Cotton, Woollen, and Flax Machinery. In the succeeding year he was joined by Morris Ketchum and Jasper Grosvenor, establishing the firm of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, who, in their day, attained great celebrity as builders of Locomotives and Cotton Machinery. The first Locomotive built by this firm was the "Sandusky", which was delivered to the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad Company, October 14, 1837. During the first year, ending November 1, 1838, they built seven Locomotives. In 1839, they built a Locomotive for the New Jersey Railroad that conveyed with the greatest ease a train of loaded cars, weighing from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty tons, up a grade of twenty-six feet per mile, at an average speed of over twenty-four miles per hour, a performance which, at that time, had not been equalled by any Locomotives constructed in England. During the administration of Mr. Rogers, which continued until his decease in 1856, he made many valuable improvements that contributed to the perfection of the American Locomotives, and which are now generally adopted. As early as 1839 he protected the wire gauze in the Smoke Pipe by an Inverted Cone, placed in the axis of the Pipe, with its base curled over, so as to scatter the sparks over a large portion of the surface of the wire-cloth, and thus prevent the top of the spark-catcher from being burnt out before the other part was materially injured. He, at that time, also used driving-wheels with hollow spokes and rims, and two years previously counterbalanced the wheels, for which he entered a specification in the Patent Office in 1837. He also originated an arrangement for forcing the eccentric rods in and out of gear by the use of V hooks at the ends of the rods, in connection with the reversing lever and shaft, by which the reversing depended on no contingency, and a single handle only was required to manage the engine more efficiently than had heretofore been done. Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor were the first to introduce and use Expansion Braces - which was about the year 1840 - and the Link Motion, which they adopted in 1849, and which has nearly superseded all other valve motions. They were also the first Locomotive builders who put cast-iron ferrules in the ends of the flues to keep them tight, an improvement that is now generally adopted, as they are peculiarly suited to the purpose. This was in the year 1850. The Rogers Boilers were also distinguished from those of other makers by their greater length and increased number of flues, being eight feet long for an eight ton engine, with one hundred and twenty flues, while the usual length was seven feet, with from eighty to ninety flues. By this deviation from the early standard, he not only obtained more heating surface, but the beat remained longer in contact with the flues, and the addition of weight was a trifle in comparison with the advantages derived from the saving of fuel. He, in fact, may be said to have originated a style of Locomotive that is now regarded as an acknowledged standard. The firm of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor maintained a prosperous existence until the decease of the senior partner in April, 1856, when the surviving partners took measures to form a Joint Stock Company, which was incorporated June 16th, 1856, undor the name of "The Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works." In 1859, the Southern Railroad of Chili ordered from the Rogers Works a freight and passenger engine, at the same time that they sent an order to England for similar engines, with a view of testing the comparative merits of American and English Locomotives. The English builders, anxious to secure the South American market for their engines, made the cylinders of both their engines considerably larger than ordered, with a view of obtaining more power. The trial lasted through four days - one day for each Locomotive - and resulted in demonstrating the very great superiority of the American Locomotives, as the American freight engine "San Bernardo" performed work in forty-one minutes which the English engine could only do in eighty-eight minutes; and the American Passenger Locomotive hauled a loaded train, up a steep grade, seventeen miles in thirty-four and a half minutes, which the English engine could not do in less than forty-nine minutes. In 1864, the Rogers Company received an order from the United States Government for nineteen Locomotives, of the value of $20.000 each, which they completed and delivered in three months, a feat of rapid workmanship not paralleled we think, as ordinarily four or five months are required for the execution of an order for half the number. The Works of this Company include two Blacksmith shops, one two hundred feet long by thirty-one feet wide, the other one hundred and two by forty feet; a Boiler shop, thirty-three by two hundred feet; an Erecting shop of the same size, and numerous auxiliary buildings, with the requisite tools and accommodation for a thousand workmen. The President of the Company is J. S. Rogers; the Secretary and Treasurer, R. S. Hughes, of New York; and the Superintendent, William S. Hudson. They are now employing over eight hundred and fifty hands, and turning out an average of ten Locomotives per month, besides a variety of machinery for Cotton and Woollen manufacturers.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 222]