Dunsmuir & Jackson, Govan Engine Works
Firmenname | Dunsmuir & Jackson, Govan Engine Works |
Ortssitz | Glasgow |
Ortsteil | Govan |
Straße | Campbell Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Adresse um 1880, 1880/88 mit obigem Zusatz. Bezeichnet als "marine and engineering works"; Dampfmaschinenbau z.B. für "Algonquin", Maschine: 21/33/54x35) [Brooks: Hamilton Harbour] |
Quellenangaben | [The Govan story (Internet, 2002)] [Post-Office Annual Glasgow Directory (1880-1881) 794] http://www.glasgowwestaddress.co.uk/1888_Book/Dunsmuir_&_Jackson.htm = 1888 |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1878 |
Gründung durch Hugh Dunsmuir und William Jackson, die beide bei "Robert Napier & Sons" gelernt haben |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampfkessel |
1888 |
Beschreibung |
1888 |
Beschreibung |
Schiffsdampfmaschinen |
1888 |
für "Algonquin" (Werft: Napier, Shanks & Bell) |
1888 |
Zeit |
gesamt |
Arbeiter |
Angest. |
Lehrl. |
Kommentar |
1888 |
450 |
400 - 500, je nach Bedarf |
ZEIT | 1888 |
THEMA | Beschreibung |
TEXT | A house of eminent standing and reputation in connection with the well-developed engineering industries of Glasgow is that of Messrs. Dunsmuir & Jackson, proprietors of the well-known Govan Engine Works. This firm was founded in 1878 by Messrs. Hugh Dunsmuir & William Jackson, who at that time adopted the style and title, as above given, which they have since retained. Messrs. Dunsmuir & Jackson both possessed the distinct advantage, before entering into active business operations on their own account, of having served their apprenticeships in the engineering department of the old-established and celebrated firm of Messrs. Robert Napier & Sons, after which they gained large experience with other firms in different parts of the country. This advantage they have turned to the highest possible account in their present undertaking, and have utilised the sound experience represented by it in establishing an engineering and boiler-making industry of the first order. The area of ground occupied by the Govan Engine Works extends to fully three acres, and is for the most part closely covered by buildings. The works were inaugurated upon quite a modest scale, with a single engineering shop and boiler shed ; then, as the business grew and developed, the structural proportions of the establishment increased accordingly, and to-day the Govan Engine Works rival in extent and activity not a few of the older institutions of that kind in the district, while they stand second to none in point of the improved and effective character of their mechanical equipment. The two great departments - indeed the sole features - of Messrs. Dunsmuir & Jackson?s industry are engineering and boiler-making. Under the former head they devote special attention to marine engines on the now widely prevalent triple expansion principle, and produce a splendid class of engines of this kind ranging as high as three thousand horse-power. As boilermakers, the firm maintain a very high reputation for the capacity and reliability of their productions, and execute every process in this department after the newest and best methods. At present there are on hand at the works, and in course of completion, engines and boilers for a new steamer now building for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to run on the Vancouver route, at the extreme western end of that great trans-continental line. The firm have also made the fine engines and boilers for the Algonquin, another new steamer just launched on the Clyde, and intended for the grain trade on Lake Superior. The name of this vessel is typical of the country in which she is designed to serve, for the "Algonquin", were, in the palmy days of the "noble red man", one of the most powerful of all the great Indian tribes of Canada. In addition to contracts of such a character as the above, Messrs. Dunsmuir & Jackson are largely employed on a variety of ordinary engineering work, all of an important nature and principally for leading firms on the Clyde. The staff employed numbers between four and five hundred hands, as occasion requires. Every part and section of the Govan Engine Works calls for commendation in the matter of arrangement and equipment. The counting-house and the spacious drawing offices are conjoined, and every detail of a contract or order, "from start to finish", is worked out under the personal supervision of the partners, in the practical knowledge of whom there exists a guarantee that all work turned out will bear the distinguishing marks of thorough workmanship, finish, and excellence of substance. This house aims at achievements of the highest order exclusively; and the large measure of success and prosperity that has thus far attended its career is ample evidence of the manner in which its lofty purpose is being accomplished. |
QUELLE | http://www.glasgowwestaddress.co.uk/1888_Book/Dunsmuir_&_Jackson.htm = 1888 |