S. E. Chubbuck & Sons


FirmennameS. E. Chubbuck & Sons
OrtssitzBoston (Mass.)
StraßeFranklin Place 13
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenWohl 1874 mit dem Zusatz "Isaac Y. & S. E. Chubbuck jr." (vmtl. die Inhaber). 1867/74: Roxbury (Mass.), Tremont Street 971, nahe der Strecke nach Boston; Inhaber: S. E. Chubbuck, I. Y. Chubbuck und S. E. Chubbuck jr. Auch genannt: Boston, Franklin Place 13. 1859: "Chubbuck & Campbell" (s.d.) [Anzeige].
QuellenangabenInternet: Directory of Boston (1870-75) [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 26+27] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 301]


Zeit Ereignis
1843 Bigelow, der im Alter von 19 Jahren Betriebsleiter der "Boston Ironworks Company" und für lange Jahre bei der Reparatur von Lokomotiven der "Boston and Providence Railroad" tätig war, tut sich mit J. C. Pratt zusammen, und sie eröffnen die erste reguläre Maschinenwerkstätte in Roxbury.
1844 Chubbuck denkt sich die Maschinen-Form aus, die als "Chubbuck pattern" oder "Gothic pattern" bekannt wird.
1847 An die Stelle des Teilhabers Pratt tritt B. F. Campbell, und die Firma "Chubbuck & Campbell" wird gegründet.
1859 Der von Chubbuck erfundene Dampfmaschinenregler wird patentiert.
1859 Nach der Auflösung der bisherigen Firma errichtet Chubbuck sein Werk in der Nähe der Boston line und nahe von Chickering's großer Klavierfabrik.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfheizungsapparate 1865 in Adreßbuch 1867 Anzeige für öffentliche Gebäude, Fabriken und Wohnhäuser
Dampfmaschinen 1865 in Adreßbuch 1867 Anzeige 1867 mit Abb. einer stehenden Maschine mit A-Rahmen, Zylinder unten vor dem Rahmen und breitem Schwungrad oben
Dampfwinden 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Steam hoisting apparatus
Dampfwinden 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Steam hoisting apparatus
Dampkessel 1867 Anzeige 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)]  
Rohre 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: pipe
Rohre 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: pipe


TEXTAt Roxbury, are by no means remarkable for the extent or peculiarity of the buildings, which consist simply of a two-story frame structure, ninety by thirty-five feet, with a boiler shop in the rear, eighty by thirty feet. These are well filled, in fact crowded, with such tools and appliances as are ordinarily found in machine shops employing about fifty hands; but neither in buildings nor in tools is the concern more than a fair representative of many similar Works in New England and in other portions of the country. Nevertheless, Chubbucks' Works are of national importance, and all who have difficult problems to solve in mechanics, regard them as the home of the prophet, the Mecca of America, The founder and senior member of this firm has the reputation of being one of the most skilful machinists of which our country, though fruitful in men of this class, can boast. He felt at an early age such an irresistible disposition toward the mechanic arts, that, it is said, when a mere boy he walked a hundred and fifty miles to obtain a situation in a machine shop. After much disappointment he obtained entrance into the shop of Mr. Elias Strange, of Taunton, where, though not regularly instructed, his mechanical talent was so far developed that in little more than a year he was intrusted with the repairing of the machinery of a cotton mill which had been run by Mr. Bigelow, of Loom notoriety. After the accomplishment of that work, being only nineteen years of age, he was made Superintendent of the Machine shop of the Boston Ironworks Company; and after several years' pervice there he was for a considerable period connected with the repairing and running of engines on the Boston and Providence Railroad. Having now become too decidedly a master of his profession to remain an employee, he, in company with Mr. J. C. Pratt, opened in 1843 the first regular Machine Shop in Roxbury. In 1847, Mr. Pratt was succeeded by Mr. B. F. Campbell, establishing the firm of Chubbuck & Campbell. As early as 1844, Mr. Chubbuck devised the form of engine known as the "Chubbuck pattern", or "Gothic pattern", of which large numbers are now made every year by himself and others. He also originated a new form of Governor, substituting a Fan for the ordinary Ball Governor, which has been applied to a large number of engines and found to perform the offices of a regulator with remarkable efficiency. This Governor has been improved upon by one of his sons, who in 1859 received a patent for his invention. After the dissolution of the firm with which he was connected, Mr. Chubbuck, in 1859, erected his present Works, which are located near the Boston line and near Chickering's mammoth Piano manufactory. They were designed mainly for the building of stationary engines and boilers, but so widely has Mr. Chubbuck's fame spread as a skilful mechanic, that they are resorted to by all who have something novel in machinery to construct, and at times are a complete curiosity-shop. Of the Engines built here, those of the Boston Belting Company and %%Boston Lead Company, of one hundred and twenty and one hundred and sixty horse-power capacity, are among the largest; and much of the machinery of both these establishments was designed as well as constructed by him. In the day when the plain tubular boiler, invented by Mr. James Nason, was not thought likely to come into general use, the first one made in the vicinity of Boston was built in the shop of Chubbuck and Campbell. Though the constructing of Stationary Engines may be called the prominent item in the business done at Mr. Chubbuck's Works, his usefulness in his profession is not to be measured by his achievements in this direction. Under the head of "miscellaneous", his ingenuity is continually serving as the handmaiden of other men's purposes. If an engine become mysteriously inoperative, or perhaps broken down, Mr. Chubbuck is the man who is relied upon as a final resort to rejuvenate it; if a manufacturer conceives a new result in his business, Mr. Chubbuck is the man who is expected to adapt it, and invent means and machinery for its accomplishment. The first large and important Paper-Hangings Printing Machine ever made in the vicinity of Boston, an eight-color machine, was made and largely devised by him. The Rubber machinery in use has had the benefit of his mechanical genius. Among his latest inventions is a new Elevator, very simple and effective, in which the friction of a wooden roller serves a purpose hitherto accomplished by a more complicated apparatus. Mr. Chubbuck's sons, who are associated with him in the firm, share their father's fondness for intricacies in machinery, and are efficient coadjutors in the business.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 301]