William Barnet LeVan & Co.
Firmenname | William Barnet LeVan & Co. |
Ortssitz | Philadelphia (Penns.) |
Internet-Seite | http://famousamericans.net/williambarnetlevan |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenkonstrukteur und -hersteller |
Anmerkungen | Bis in die 1870er Jahre auch Lokomotivbau. War längere Zeit Vertreter der "Corliss Steam Engine Company" (s.d.), Providence, Rhode Island. Bekannt durch den von ihm erfundenen Dampfmaschinenregler, selbstregistrierenden Indikator, Wasserstandsanzeiger, Teleskop-Wasserdruck-Aufzug, verbesserter Dampfkessel. |
Quellenangaben | http://www.nber.org/data/industrial-production-index/tech.pdf [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 2 (1868) 573] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
03.06.1829 |
Geburt von William Barnet Le Van in Easton, Pennsylvania. Er geht in seiner Heimatstadt zur Schule, macht eine Lehre als Mechaniker und Zeichner bei den "Novelty ironworks" in New York City. |
1845 |
W. B. Le Van tritt in die "Novelty Iron Works", New York, ein, wo er vier Jahre lang arbeitet. |
1857 |
William Barnet Le Van läßt sich in New York als beratender Ingenieur nieder. |
1859 |
Umzug von W. B. Le Van läßt von New York nach Philadelphia, wo er sich mit der Planung und dem Bau von Maschinen (besonders solchen, die er selbst erfunden hat) befaßt. |
1859 |
Einführung eines Dampfmaschinen-Reglers, der für seine Einfachheit, Wirksamkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit bekannt wird. |
1876 |
LeVan gibt sein Buch "Useful Information for Engineers, Boiler Makers, and Firemen, with Facts and Figures" heraus |
1884 |
LeVan gibt sein Buch "The Steam Engine Indicator and its Use" heraus. |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampflokomotiven |
1858 |
Beginn |
Ende in den 1870er Jahren |
Bis in die 1870er Jahre Lokbau; Stückzahl unbekannt |
Dampfmaschinen |
Unsicher, ob Bau (zumindest Erfindungen zu Verbesserung) |
Dampfmaschinen-Regler |
1858 |
Beginn (Erfindung) |
1876 |
Weltausstellung Philadelphia |
ZEIT | 1868 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | An eminent Engineer, who has made several important inventions, especially in steam-engines and their appurtenances, was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, June, 1829. The family name was originally La Vaund; and his father, a descendant of the French Huguenots, was a manufacturer of paper, a pursuit in which several of his progenitors, continued through successive generations, were engaged. Relinquishing this business, the elder Le Van afterward filled an important position in the old Easton Bank; and the estimation in which he was held proved in several instances beneficial to his son in his early career in life. W. Barnet Le Van, when of a proper age, and yet residing under the paternal roof, acquired the first elements of mechanical instruction in a small country machine-shop, in which all kinds of mill work were manufactured. He was diligent in the prosecution of his object, and the time having arrived when his expanding genius required another and larger field of development, he in 1845 entered the well-known Novelty Iron Works, New York, in which he spent four years. In addition to the other advantages in mechanical instruction to be learned in this great school, was the important one, that his father's friend, and his own, Mr. David Niles, was then superintendent of the Works. This gentleman, an engineer of great ability, took particular pains to initiate the young Le Van into all the mysteries of engineering then known, and enabled him to lay well and firmly the foundation on which so much of his future success depended. He had an apt pupil, who, in process of time, desiring to acquire that knowledge of the world so important to a young man at the commencement of a business career, when theories are to be reduced to practice, accepted the position of Engineer from the well-known firm of Howland & Aspinwall, then the largest steamship owners in this country. In their service he continued till the discovery of gold in California induced a transfer of all the ships on this line to that in connection with California. After the acquisition of much practical knowledge, Mr. Le Van then formed a connection with the Collins Steamship Line as Engineer, and in this position remained about two years. Having thus for so many years studied hia profession, and acquired a knowledge of engineering, both theoretical and practical, in all the varied branches, he was fully prepared for the position which, as an engineer, he has since been destined to fill, and in which he has gained an enviable reputation. Mr. Le Van married at an early age, and after his long and varied experience, resolved to remain with his family, and opened an office in New York as a Consulting Engineer. A favorable opportunity in Philadelphia having been presented in 1857, he removed there, and opened an office at No. 56 North Seventh street. Not long afterward he embarked in business as a machinist, commencing on the site of his present Works, Twenty-fourth and Wood streets. The first success achieved by him as an inventor, arose from his invention of what is now popularly known as Le Van's Patent Grate Bar, by which a great saving of fuel is effected, and which is of such durability as to outlast three sets of the ordinary bar. It is now very generally used in Philadelphia and throughout the country. Almost from his commencement in business in Philadelphia he was employed as an agent of the Corliss Steam Engine Company, of Providence, Rhode Island; and while engaged in introducing this engine among manufacturers, became intimately acquainted with most of those who have contributed so much to develope our national resources. In 1859 he commenced the manufacture of a Steam-Engine Governor, his own invention, now well known for its simplicity, efficiency, and very moderate price. Among the numerous improvements introduced by Mr. Le Van, may be mentioned those of a Self-Recording Steam-Engine Indicator, and Glass Water Gauge; an Improved Stationary Engine, etc., etc. He has more recently directed his attention to Boiler Settings, in which has been called into requisition his new method by which all the gases evolved during combustion are consumed, and a saving of fuel effected of not less than twenty-five per cent. His latest achievement in mechanics is the construction of the Hydraulic Lift, on the principle of the old Brahma Ram, modified to suit the purpose intended, and acting automatically, for the new store of French, Richards & Co., in Philadelphia. It is to lift eighty feet in height - double that of any in Europe - and capable of running up through a space of seventy-five feet in a minute, without shock or jar; while the descent may be made with equal safety at any velocity. Mr. Le Van is yet in the prime of life, and his fertile genius will doubtless originate other improvements that will add to the excellent reputation he has already acquired. |
QUELLE | [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 2 (1868) 573] |