New York Steam Engine Works
Firmenname | New York Steam Engine Works |
Ortssitz | Passaic (N.J.) |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Bezug zu der nur mit "New York" angegebenen Firma (s.d.) auf der Weltausstellung Chicago unbekannt. Sitze in New York, NY, Chambers Street 98 (dort 1874 Büro und Lager); Greenfield, MA; Cincinnati, OH; Worcester, MA (dort ursprünglich die Produktion); Passaic, NJ (dort seit 1869 die Fabrik). 1874: Managers: Charles A. Cheever, Leiter der Finanzen; Geo. Q. Dow, Sekretär. Vergl. in [Boyd's business directory (1870) 795]: "New York Steam Engine Co." (gleiche Straße in New York, andere Hausnummer; dort nur diese 1 Firma); bei [Wiley's American iron trade manual of the leading iron industries (1874)] als 1 Firma genannt. |
Quellenangaben | Internet: Old woodworking machines (2005) = http://www.owwm.com/MfgIndex/detail.asp?ID=1497 [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 60] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1869 |
Die Fabrik wird von Worcester, MA, nach Passaic verlegt |
1871 |
Das neue Werk in Passaic ist fertig |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
alle Arten von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
Anzeige |
alle Arten von Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
Anzeige |
Bohrmaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
Anzeige |
Dampfmaschinen |
1874 nicht im Fertigungsprogramm enthalten |
1874 nicht im Fertigungsprogramm enthalten |
Gewindeschneidemaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
Anzeige |
Hobelmaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
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Unsicher, ob für Holz |
Hobelmaschinen |
1874 |
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1874 |
Anzeige |
Unsicher, ob für Metall |
Schlosserwerkzeuge |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: machinists tools |
Shapingmaschinen |
1874 |
Anzeige |
1874 |
Anzeige |
Wagenbauer-Werkzeuge |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: car builders tools |
Werkzeuge für Eisenbahnausbesserungswerke |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: railroad repair-shop tools |
Werkzeuge für Lokomotivbau |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: locomotive builders tools |
Zeit |
gesamt |
Arbeiter |
Angest. |
Lehrl. |
Kommentar |
1874 |
1000 |
ZEIT | 1874 |
THEMA | Angaben zum Unternehmen |
TEXT | Location of the works, Passaic, N. J. This is one of the most coumplete establishments in the world for the manufacture of machinists', locomotive, car builders', and railroad repair-shop tools. The works of the New York Steam Engiine Company were originally located at Worcester, Mass., but removed in 1869 to Passaic, N. J., eleven miles distant from New York. For manufacturing purposes the situation is highly advantageous, the Passaic River affording exhaustless water power, and the Erie Railroad furnishing facilities for transportation in any direction. The new enterprise was actively prosecuted, and early in 1871 the company had completed the erection of one of the largest and most systematically arranged establishments of the kind in the United States, completely equipped with all the requisite machinery and appliances for the building of machinists' and boiler makers' tools of every description, both light and heavy. The machinery is operated by a turbine water-wheel of one hundred horse-power, and the establishment affords employment to about one thousand workmen. All the buildings are constructed in the most substantial manner, of brick, with walls of great thickness, the floors heavily timbered, and the roofs covered with slate. The principal buildings are heated by steam and lighted with gas. Every precautionary measure that experience could suggest has been adopted for protection against fire, and, in the opinion of competent underwriters, this is considered the safest machine-shop risk in the United States, the arrangements for extinguishing fire being of the most ample description. The premises are traversed by the water mains of the Passaic Water Works, and there are several hydrants for use in an emergency. Iron ladders are attached to the outer walls of all the principal buildings, and a hose carriage, with 600 feet of 2 1/2- inch hose, is in constant readiness for use. In the fire-pump house are two powerful pumps, geared to connect with the water-wheel, and surrounded by steam pipe to prevent freezing. Along each floor of the machine shop and the pattern shop and storehouse run large water pipes, with openings at intervals of forty feet, and to each stop-cock fifty feet of hose is constantly attached, for instant service, if required. The company make all their own castings, both iron and brass. The iron foundry is 52 by 130 feet in area, dand 22 feet in height. It is equipped with two of McKenzie's cupolas and blowers, three large core ovens, supplied with railways and trucks, two cranes, each capable of lifting twelve tons, two of the company's gear moulding machines, rattlers, and all other requisite appurtenances for the production of work upon an extensive scale. In the yard adjoining the foundry is a powerful drop, for the purpose of breaking up old iron, and in an adjacent building are stored coal, moulding sand, fire-brick, fire-clay, etc. The brass foundry is 20 by 52 feet in area, supplied with four furnaces and all the requisite flasks and other appliances. The flask shop, 30 located by 40 feet in size, is fully equipped with all the usual requirements. The blacksmith shop, a building 40 by 80 feet in area, contains a number of forges, including two patent iron forges of the most improved construction; also a powerful steam hammer, capable of forging shafts eight inches in diameter. In a detached building, strongly constructed of brick and iron, and completely fireproof, are the boilers which generate steam for heating purposes. The machine shop is a fine structure, measuring 60 by 375 feet in area, and is two stories high, the first story being 16 feet, and the second 11 feet 6 inches in the clear. A portion of the first floor is appropriated to the general business offices and the office of the superintendent of the works. Space is also set aside for a storeroom for such supplies as are in constant requisition, including belting files, oil waste, etc. The entire remainder of this floor is devoted to manufacturing purposes, specially the production of the larger classes of machinery. For the handling of these heavy articles there are eight cranes, each of the capacity of seven tons, and an improved transverse crane capable of lifting 25 tons. This crane is located in the central hoistway, which is 75 feet long by 20 feet wide. Running the entire length of the building is a railway, supplied with a turn table. This railway extends to the iron foundry, forty feet distant, terminating under the large cranes therein located. Not less than six machines of a kind are built at one time, and as the list comprises more than forty distinct articles, averaging seven sizes each, there are frequently more than two hundred machines building at the same time, some of them weighing more than forty-five tons. The general business offices and warerooms of the Company are located at No. 98 Chambers Street, New York city. |
QUELLE | [Wigley: Iron industry (1874)] |