Fulton Iron Works


FirmennameFulton Iron Works
OrtssitzSaint Louis (Missouri)
StraßeWalsh Street 3844
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
Anmerkungen1858: Ecke Carr und Second Streets; obige Adresse vmtl. um 1914. 1858 bezeichnet als "Fulton Foundry and Machine Shop", Eigentümer: Gerard B. Allen ["Gerard" hier mit 2x "r"; hier auch "Girard" mit "i"]. In St. Louis sind die Hauptverwaltung und das Werk. Bis 1879 vmtl. unter der Firma "Gerald B. Allen" (dem Gründer der Firma), dann zu Ehren von Robert Fulton "Fulton Iron Works". Nicht zu verwechseln mit der Lokomotivfabrik in Kalifornien (s.d.)! Firma um 2006: "Fulton Iron & Manufacturing L.L.C." mit obiger Adresse.
Quellenangaben[Condensed cataloge of mechanical equipment (1914) 35] http://www.fultoniron.net (2006) [Dean: American cane mill (2008) 156] [Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 216]


Zeit Ereignis
1852 Gründung der Maschinenwerkstatt am Ufer der Mississippi durch Gerald B. Allen, um Dampfmaschinen für Flußschiffe zu bauen
Mai 1857 Aufnahme des Betriebs (vergl. 1852!)
1871 Eingetragen
1879 Umbenennung in "Fulton Iron Works" zu Ehren von Robert Fulton, dem Erfinder des Dampfschiffs, Allen's frühem Erfolg
1891 Konstruktion der Neunwalzen-Zuckerrohrmühle "Cora" mill, mit welcher eine Revolution in der Rohrzuckerindustrie beginnt. The Cora ist die erste Neunrollen-Mühle, die durch ein gemeinsames Getriebe von einer einzigen Dampfmaschine angetrieben wird. Die originale Cora-Mühle arbeitet bis in die späten 1970er Jahre in Mittelamerika, nachdem sie von Louisiana nach Kolumbien und später nach Panama umgesetzt wurde.
1958 Erwerbung der "Lehmann Boring Tool Division". Das gestattet Fulton, seine Produktionsbasis auszubauen. Einer der Höhepunkte ist die Möglichkeit, Bohrgeräte für amerikanische Unterseeboote zu bauen.
1968 Erwerbung der Ferracute und der Farquhar press lines
18.02.2000 Fulton wird eine 100prozentige Tochter der South Side Machine Works, Inc. auch in St. Louis, Missouri, ansässig. Diese beiden Produktionsstätten haben mehr als 200,000 square feet Produktionsfläche und beschäftigen 110 Maschinenbauer und Schweißer.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1879 Umfirmierung 1920 Maschine in Gondang Baru (Java) insbes. für Rohrzuckermühlen
Dieselmotoren 1914 [Condensed catalogues (1914) 35] 1914 [Condensed catalogues (1914) 35] "Fulton-Tosi" oil engines: senkrechte Viertakt mit Ladekompressor; Leistung von 100 PS (Zweizylinder) bis 800 PS (Vieryzlinder), für alle Zwecke (jedoch nicht als Schiffsmaschine genannt).
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1879 Umfirmierung 1943 1.500-PS-Maschine für Schlepper Auch Maschinen für Fußdampfer
Zuckerrohrmühlen 1891 "Cora"-Mühle 2006 noch tätig  


TEXTThe Fulton Iron Works commenced operations in May, 1857, under favorable auspices, with a full force of competent workmen, in all the various branches of manufactures usually pursued by works so extensive and general as the Fulton. Girard B. Allen, the proprietor of these worki, is extensively known throughout the south and west, having been a member of the firm of Gaty, McCune & Co. for a period of over eight years, and having, while connected with that firm, become thoroughly conversant with all the minutiae of the trade and the wants of the public.
Having separated himself from the house of Gaty, McCune & Co., Mr. Allen determined to establish a foundry and machine shop under his own auspices, and see what he could accomplish on his own responsibility. He accordingly selected the corner of Carr and Second streets as the location best adapted for the works he contemplated. The ground being secured, he immediately set about the erecting of buildings suitable for the ends in view, upon plans of his own devising. The buildings erected by Mr. Allen are extensive and well arranged, the machine shop being one hundred and eighty feet long by forty feet wide, and contains a greater amount of machinery than we have ever seen in the same space before, and that too without crowding; it fronts on Second street, is of three stories, and perfectly complete in all its arrangements. The blacksmith shop, having a front on Carr street, is one hundred feet by forty, and contains all the modern improvements, and keeps in steady employment a goodly number of excellent workmen; the bellows are worked by machinery, which derives its motive power from a large steam engine which is situated in another portion of the works.
The foundry is fifty feet wide by one hundred and twenty-five, containing many conveniences not possessed by other houses. In this room there are two large cranes, with powerful lifting force, for the purpose of handling with ease and safety the heavy castings made in the establishment. This department is under the management of Mr. B. Elliot, whose skill and experience is unsurpassed in his profession. We have been more than once astonished at the coolness of this gentleman under circumstances of peculiar danger, and when the slighest evidence of fear or absence of self-control would have been the signal for almost certain destruction. We do not believe that should Mr. Allen search the world over he would be able to find a person better adapted for the position he holds than is Mr. Elliot.
Adjoining the foundry is the apartment allotted to pattern making; and here again we find every modern invention which can in any way serve to facilitate the workmanship. The charge of this department is under the control of James W. Barry, one of the best mechanics in the Mound City. We had the pleasure of examining some of the very beautiful mechanical drawings executed by this gentleman, who has acquired an enviable reputation as a draftsman and designer of machinery, in which department he displays originality and skill of a high order. We were forcibly struck with several neat and simple contrivances which we observed here. One was the arrangement of fans for the purpose of removing the shavings and chips which accumulate as the work advances towards perfection.
Another consisted of a steam heating apparatus for the purpose of melting glue. The entire apartment is heated by steam, no fire being allowed in this part of the building, thus giving greater security against conflagration.
The boiler shop is not only in construction especially adapted to the purpose, but it is also fitted and furnished with each and every tool or appliance that can be suggested to expedite and perfect this important branch of manufacture ? among which are shears which clip iron boiler plates half an inch in thickness with as much facility as children cut out their paper dolls; heavy punches and drills that make the holes for the rivets with the same ease that a shoemaker punches holes in a pair of gaiters; large rolls for bending plates, and other powerful machines for bending flanges, &c. Only the very best charcoal plate is used in the construction of boilers, and these are tested in the most thorough manner.
These works are now engaged in manufacturing land and marine engines, boiler and sheet iron work, as well as every description of saw and flour mill and general machinery. Mr. Allen inaugurated his commencement by the selection of Mr. A. Duelle to act in the capacity of general superintendent of the works. Mr. D. has a reputation for being one of the most accomplished workmen in the country, and we are certain that he has no superior in the West.
The character of the work turned out by the "Fulton" was such as to insure it success, and soon the reputation of these works was as bright and fair as those houses which have labored for years in building up a name. Among the first engines finished by Mr. Allen was one designed to be used in the extensive Furniture establishment of Mr. C. Marlow. This machine is one of the finest we have ever examined, and Mr. M. declares that it "works like a charm." We observed that the workmen were engaged in erecting two large and powerful engines for Capt. Brierly's new boat, the Ben Lewis; upon the finish and workmanship of these engines we have no doubt that Mr. Allen would be willing to risk the reputation of his works; they will goon be finished and ready for use. While wandering over the establishment we were shown a number of drawings and orders for mill machinery and engines which are destined for our sister State, Illinois. It will require some time to complete these works, as all the patterns will have to be made; but when they are once finished, we venture to predict (from what we know of Mr. Allen and his facilities for the execution of work) that they will excel any thing ever before manufactured in St. Louis, and add still another wreath to the garland of fame that has already been wove around the Fulton Iron Works.
The machinery of the Fulton Foundry and Machine Works consists of all the latest improvements that have been made, and these works boast of being able to compare favorably with any establishment in the United States. Their facilities are such as enable them to offer inducements of a superior character to all who may desire to procure machinery.
In selecting persons to take charge of the mechanical department of these works, Mr. Allen exercised that principle of foresight for which he has ever been noted, and that intimate knowledge of the business which a long practical experience enabled him to acquire, and the result is seen in every thing that is done. The managers take pride in doing their portion of the work a little better than that accomplished by any other person, and in order that no endeavor may be left untried; they have secured the services of the best workmen in the country. We have been informed by a master mechanic that the corps of workmen employed at the Fulton Iron Works could not be excelled in the United States.
There are several leading principles observed in the administration of these works which appear calculated to insure their highest efficiency and the best quality, in their productions; one is the manufacture upon the spot not only of engines, &c., but as far as possible of the materials of which they are composed. All the forged work, brass and iron castings, and other parta, often purchased outside of other works, are here made in the best manner, and with the aid of every fixture to be found in the establishment, supplying separately each of these items. Another is the greatest possible substitution of machinery for manual labor. In these works a smaller proportion of men are engaged in hand work than in any similar establishment in the country. This circumstance is due to the fact that the tools are adapted in a special manner to the execution of each portion of the work, and that each class of tools is specially appropriated to the distinct portions of the work. In the materials used for the engines, wrought iron is used wherever practicable, and to the exclusion of cast iron; thick braziers' copper is used exclusively for the tubes, and tough iron is used for all important forgings.
In regard to the quality of the products of the Fulton Works, there certainly can be but one candid opinion. In every particular they are not only fully equal to those of any other foundry and machine shop, but in some important points better ? not the least valuable of which is the simplicity of construction, great power and durability, and it is the intention of Mr. Allen to spare no pains to render the greatest possible satisfaction, and maintain his present reputation for superiority. We would advise those of our readers who have leisure, and are fond of sight seeing, to visit these works when they are in the Mound city, for they will be repaid the trouble; to those who wish to purchase articles of machinery or castings, we would also say, call and examine the quality and the terms.
QUELLE[Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 213]