Dake Engine Company


FirmennameDake Engine Company
OrtssitzFerrysburg (USA)
StraßeEcke 7th/Monroe Streets
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
Anmerkungen1887: Thomas Cairnes, PrÀsident; Harvey P. Wyman VizeprÀsident, James P. Armstead, SekretÀr und Finanzchef; zusÀtzlich zu den Beamten als Direktoren: Charles Wyman, Dwight Cutler II, H. B. Peck, William F. Dake. [The Evening Tribune, July, 1891] und 1916: in Grand Haven, Michigan; 1891 als "Dake Engine Works". FlÀche: 1 acre, ZigelgebÀude mit 40 x 70'; Umsatz: 50.000 Dollar/Jahr, 20 BeschÀftigte, 500 Dollar Lohn/Monat.
Quellenangaben[Ewing: Chronological directory of industries ... Ottawa (1999)] [Green's Marine Directory of the Great Lakes (1916), Anzeige] [The Evening Tribune, July, 1891; Internet]


Zeit Ereignis
1887 GegrĂŒndet mit einem Kapital von 100.000 Dollar
1893 Die Dake-Dampfmaschine gewinnt eine Medaille auf der Columbianischen Ausstellung in Chicago.
1905 Personelle VerÀnderung durch den Tod von George R. Wyman. Er brachte durch seinen Einsatz und seine Ausdauer das Unternehmen zu hohem Ansehen. Dake vereinigt sich mit "Archie Campbells foundry".


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1887 Beginn (GrĂŒndung) 1893 Medaille in Chicago "Dake double reciprocating square piston engine", einfach, wenig reparaturbedĂŒrftig, in 8 GrĂ¶ĂŸen lieferbar, einfach aufzustellen und zu kuppeln. 1891: The most popular engine now in use for many classes of work is the Dake, invented by William F. Dake of this city, and together with other inventions of Mr. Dake
Dampfsteuermaschinen 1916 [Green, Green's Marine Directory (1916), Anzeige] 1916 [Green, Green's Marine Directory (1916), Anzeige] steam steering gears; Anordnung der Dampfzylinder auf der Abbildung nicht zu erkennen.
Schiffshilfsmaschinen         The steam steering gears, windlasses, hoisting engines, and other machines were invented by founder William F. Dake and were known to engineers throughout the country.


TEXTThe most popular engine now in use for many classes of work is the Dake, invented by William F. Dake of this city, and together with other inventions of Mr. Dake, manufactured by the Dake engine Company. The plant has been in operation about four years and has a capital stock of 100,000. They turn out more than an engine a day upon an average the year around. The company has patents in this and other countries valued at 50,000. These engines are much more compact than any other engine made and may be reversed with lightning rapidity. They are adapted to all uses where steam is required, and the sales upon them are rapidly increasing. The officers of the company are Thomas Cairns, president, and James P. Armstead, secretary and treasurer. The company has a monthly pay-roll that contributes largely to the prosperity of Grand Haven.
QUELLE[The Evening Tribune, July, 1891; Internet]