Harrison Loring, City Point Works
Firmenname | Harrison Loring, City Point Works |
Ortssitz | Boston (Mass.) |
Ortsteil | South Boston |
Straße | City Place |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik und Kesselschmiede |
Anmerkungen | 1868: Harrison Loring, Eigentümer. Straße als "City Place" und als "City Point" angegeben; Werk in South Boston. Bezeichnet sich in einem Flugblatt um 1860 als "Builder of Iron Steamships" bzw. "Iron Ship Building" und mit dem Zusatz "City Point Works, South Boston". Lt. undatierter Anzeige: 550 fet Uferlinie und 7 acres Land mit zwei Schiffshäusern, Kesselschmiede, Schmiede und Maschinenwerkstatt, ausgestattet mit den besten Werkzeugen im Lande; Länge der Pier: 700 feet für Dampfschiffsreparaturen und andere Schiffsarbeiten; das Büro ist bei den Werkstätten. |
Quellenangaben | [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 26+27] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 282] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1847 |
Harrison Loring, geboren in Duxbury, Massachusetts, der eine Lehre bei Jabez Coney in Boston absolviert hatte und dann eine Saison in Kuba lebte, wo er die Aufstellung von Maschinen überwachte, kehrt nach Boston zurück und gründet im Alter von 22 Jahren seine Firma mit einem geliehenen Kapital von $20.000. |
1856-1859 |
Erasmus Darwin Leavitt geht nach seiner Beschäftigung bei "Corliss & Nightingale" als assistierender Vorarbeiter zu den City Point Works (Süd-Boston) von Harrison Loring, wo er mit der Konstruktion der Maschine für das U.S.S. "Hartford" ist. |
1857 |
Loring beantragt bei der Stadt Boston die Erwerbung des "House of Industry"-Anwesens. |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampfmaschinen |
1860 |
Flugblatt |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: Engines bzw. stationary and Marine Engines |
eiserne Dampfschiffe |
1858 |
Beginn |
1891 |
Ende |
Kessel |
1860 |
Flugblatt |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: boilers bzw. stationary and marine boilers |
Kessel für Papierfabriken |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
Vorgabe: Loring's improved revolving bleaching boiler for paper mills |
Maschinerie |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: machinery |
Pumpen |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
Vorgabe: pumps |
Schiffsdampfmaschinen |
1860 |
Flugblatt |
1860 |
Flugblatt |
Vorgabe: stationary and Marine Engines |
Schiffskessel |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
Vorgabe: stationary and marine boilers |
Transmissionen |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
Vorgabe: shaftings |
Zuckermühlen |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
1860 |
Flugblattt |
Vorgabe: sugar mills |
ZEIT | 1868 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | Is another of the manufacturing establishments of South Boston that may be said to have attained a national reputation. The founder of these works, Mr. Harrison Loring, though a young man, has achieved a highly honorable fame in his department of mechanics. He was born in Duxbury, Massachusetts, and served his apprenticeship with Mr. Jabez Coney, of Boston. Having passed a season in Cuba superintending the erection of engines and machinery, he returned to Boston, and in 1847, at the age of 22, commenced business for himself, not however without capital, for he was tendered by relatives a loan of $20.000, without security - a mark of confidence no less creditable to their sagacity than complimentary to himself. For several years after commencing business Mr. Loring's operations were confined principally to building Stationary and Marine Engines and Boilers, though including Sugar Mills and Paper Mills Machinery, Iron Light Houses, and a great variety of other general work. He was among the first to foresee the great demand which must eventually come for Iron sea-going Steamships, and immediately set about making the proper arrangements to carry on this manufacture quite extensively, in addition to his other branches, which had been gradually increasing. Accordingly, in 1857, he made application to the city of Boston to purchase the House of Industry estate, then unoccupied, - which application stated that he would agree to carry on the business of Iron Ship build-for not less than five years, and would employ not less than three hundred workmen. After much opposition from some of the capitalists of Boston he finally effected the purchase of this estate, consisting of seven acres of upland and a million feet of flats, and prepared it for the purpose by remodelling the old and erecting such new buildings as the business required. This being the first Iron Ship Building establishment which had been permanently established in New England, there were many who expressed their distrust as to the success of the enterprise, and even some of the capitalists of Boston, who wanted work of this kind, seemed determined to place the new concern in the closest competition with the older concerns of other cities, and giving them the preference over the home establishment. Notwithstanding all these obstacles however, which to some men of less strength of character would have been insurmountable, Mr. Loring pursued his business with all the energy and steadfastness of purpose, which have characterized his career, by building steamers for foreign markets. Even in the years 1857-8, when almost all kinds of industry were suspended, Mr. Loring kept his establishment in full operation on vessels to go to India. He then made a contract with the Boston and Southern Steamship Company for two Iron Steamships of 1.150 tons each; and unlike the most of contracts of a later date, these two vessels - the "South Carolina" and "Massachusetts" - were completed and delivered on the very day named for their completion. They were afterwards sold to the U. S. Government, and proved to be among the most successful vessels in the blockading squadron on the Southern coast. Mr. Loring has since built for the Union Steamship Co. of Boston two Iron Screw-Steamships, the "Mississippi" and "Merrimack", of 2.000 tons ea,ch, which have given the greatest satisfaction to the Company and are ornaments to the merchant-marine of the country. He has also done a large amount of work for the United States Government, including machinery for sloops of war, side-wheel and screw gun boats. After the manifest success of the "Monitor" over the Rebel iron-clad "Merrimac", and the Government had decided to build more Monitors, Mr. Loring's establishment was called upon to build as many as could be completed in a short time, and he immediately commenced on one, the "Nahant", which was one of the first of her class that was completed, and the first Monitor ever built in New England. The novelty of her construction attracted daily hundreds of visitors to examine her. While fitting the Nahant for sea Mr. Loring laid the keel for another Monitor called the "Canonicus." This vessel embodied all the improvements that suggested themselves while constructing the first, having a mueh superior deck and a thicker side-armor. She is a powerful Ram, and has more than double the propelling power of the Nahant class, and much superior in many other important points. Although the "Canonicus" was delayed in her construction by additions and alterations demanded by the experience of these vessels, when under heavy fire, to resist the modern projectiles, she was the first one completed of her description, and will doubtless sustain the reputation which the City Point Works have attained for excellent workmanship, as the government officials who were on board during her trial-trip expressed themselves in language of unqualified praise for her sailing qualities, her wonderful strength, and the completeness of all her appointments. The City Point Works are located at nearly the end of the peninsula of South Boston, about one mile from the city proper. They have a water front of six hundred feet, upon which are built two spacious ship-houses. The machine shop is the structure formerly used by the city as the House of Industry. It is built of unhewn granite, is four stories high, and about three hundred feet in length. From 500 to 700 skilled artisans now ply their tools here both day and night. |
QUELLE | [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 282] |