Walworth Manufacturing Co.


FirmennameWalworth Manufacturing Co.
OrtssitzBoston (Mass.)
StraßeOliver Street 14-20
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Kesselschmiede
Anmerkungen1890: Oliver Street. 1868: "James J. Walworth & Co." als Fabrik für Dampf-, Gas- und Wasser-Fittings. 1874: J. J. Walworth, Leiter der Finanzen; M. S. Scudder, Sekretär; C. Walworth, Manager. Works, Cambridgeport. Wirbt 1890 für "Walworth Solid Die Plate, Stilson's Pipe Wrench, Ashley's Pipe Wrench, Miller's Rachtet Die Plate, Stanwood Pipe Cutter, Walworth Pipe Cutter, Hall's Tapping Machine".
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 27] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 288] [Brown's directory of American gas companies (1890) III: Anzeige]


Zeit Ereignis
1842 Gründung durch James J. Walworth und Joseph Nason
1845 Im Boston Custom-House werden um 1845 erstmals dampfbetriebene Ventilatoren eingesetzt.
1853 James J. Walworth, Marshall S. Scudder und C. C. Walworth werden Teilhaber.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Armaturen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] aus Schmiedeeisen
Bronzeguß 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1890 [Brown's directory of gas comp.] Vorgabe: brass foundry
Gußeisen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Iron foundry
Maschinerie 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: machinery
Rohre 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1890 [Brown's directory of gas comp.] aus Schmiedeeisen
Rohre 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1890 [Brown's directory of gas comp.] aus Schmiedeeisen
Ventile 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1890 [Brown's directory of gas comp.] 1874: aus Schmiedeeisen; 1890: Bronze- und Eisenhähne und -ventile für Dampf, Gas und Wasser
Werkzeuge für Gas- und Dampfmonteure 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: gas and steam fitters tools


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1874 300        


TEXTIs a pioneer establishment in its department, and now undoubtedly the largest in New England. Its early history is identical with that of Joseph Nason & Co.'s Manufactory in New York, which has already been alluded to, having been founded, in 1842, by James J. Walworth and Joseph Nason, who were the first in this country to commence the sale of Welded-iron Steam and Gas Pipes, as a separate and distinct business; and who also originated the plan of heating buildings by means of steam, conveyed through small wrought-iron tubes, which is now in extensive use, especially in Factories and other large establishments. The sale of Wrought-iron Pipe, which, at the time when they embarked in the business, did not exceed a few thousand feet per annum, now amounts to many millions of feet. This firm are also accredited with having been the first to introduce successfully the plan of ventilating buildings by means of Fans propelled by steam, which was applied in the Boston Custom-house, about 1845, and which is now generally adopted in Asylums, Hospitals, and large public buildings. Among the numerous structures, of various kinds, that are now heated and ventilated by apparatus constructed by the firm of Walworth & Co., may be mentioned the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, the Music Hall in Boston, and the President's House in Washington. But probably the largest and most complete work undertaken by them is in the Free City Hospital, of Boston. The aggregate cubic capacity of all the apartments that are ventilated is nearly a million of feet, and this is effected by means of a Fan, that forces fresh air through air-chambers into the registers in the apartments - changing the entire quantity of air contained in the wards at any one time, or supplying its equivalent, every fifteen minutes. A novel method of regulating the supply and temperature of fresh air admitted to the wards has been adopted, consisting of a double set of flues, one carrying cold and the other warm air, so arranged that the two currents may be combined and mixed at the point of ingress, thus affording the utmost facility for controlling the temperature of the rooms without diminishing the quantity of air required for ventilation. The heating surface of this Hospital amounts to about eighteen thousand superficial feet, and consists mainly of wrought-iron pipes, of one inch internal diameter, placed in large masses, in air-chambers, through which the fresh air passes on its way from the Fan to the registers in the apartments. But, while Messrs. Walworth & Co. are always prepared to undertake large contracts of this kind, and probably employ a larger force of workmen, experienced in putting up the appliances they construct, than any other firm, their leading business is the manufacture of those numerous articles included in the general term "Fittings." Among these, there are several that are secured to them by patent; of which probably the most valuable is a simple and excellent arrangement for connecting the main and radiating pipes that dispenses with a number of joints, and the consequent liability to leakage. The improvement consists in inserting in the main pipe a branch Tee, or Manifold and Valve, in one fitting - by which at least one third of the labor and material in constructing the apparatus is saved; and as the water can pass without obstruction, it has no place to lodge or freeze. Considerable economy in the use of steam is effected by the adoption of double valves, by which all or only a part of the radiating pipes can be used at pleasure, according to the temperature of the atmosphere and the degree of warmth required. This Patent Manifold is the invention of one of the firm - C. C. Walworth - who has also invented and patented a "Solid Die Plate", and a machine for cutting gas fittings, using three taps at once, now the property of the "Malleable Iron Fittings Co." at Branford, Connecticut. The firm of J. J. Walworth & Co. is composed of James J. Walworth, Marshall S. Scudder, and C. C. Walworth, who have been associated together since 1853, or the year subsequent to that in which the firm of Walworth & Nason was dissolved. They have two Manufactories, one in connection with the store in Boston, another in Cambridgeport, and also a house in Chicago. Mr. Walworth is also largely engaged in developing some important and novel improvements in machinery for the working of the Flax fibre of the West. He has invested more than $100.000 capital in this enterprise, which promises to be of great value to the agricultural interests of the Western States.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 288]