Knowles & Sebley


FirmennameKnowles & Sebley
OrtssitzWarren (Mass)
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei
Anmerkungen1871: LagerhÀuser in New York. 1876: "Knowles Steam Pump Works" mit Fabrik in Warren und LagerhÀusern in New York (s.d.) und Boston. Produzierte die von Lucius Knowles in Worcester erfundene Dampfpumpe. Diese seit 1879 auch als Lizenzbau durch die "George F. Blake Manufacturing Company" (s.d.) in Boston bzw. East Cambridge. Seit 1897 wurden beide Erfinder zusammengeschlossen zu "Blake & Knowles Steam Pump Works" (s.d.) in East Cambridge. Auch unter der Firma "Knowles & Sibley" (mit "i").
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 36] [Katalog Steam Pumps (1871) eBay] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 2 (1868) 568]


Zeit Ereignis
02.07.1819 Geburt von Lucius J. Knowles, dem GrĂŒnder von "Knowles' Steam Pump Works" in Hardwick, Massachusetts
1857 Der "Knowles' Safety Steam Boiler Feed Regulator" (Kesselspeisewasser-Regler) wird vor 1857 allgemein eingefĂŒhrt.
1879 G. F. Blake erwirbt die Produktionsrechte an der Knowles-Pumpe, die von Lucius Knowles in Worcester erfunden wurde und die von der Firma "Knowles & Sibley" hergestellt wird. - In den nÀchsten 19 Jahren produzieren beide Unternehmen unabhÀngig, aber unter gemeinsamer finanzieller Leitung.
1897 Nach 19 Jahren unabhĂ€ngiger Dampfpumpen-Produktion durch "Knowles & Sibley" und "G. F. Blake Mfg. Co." Zusammenschluß zu "Blake & Knowles Steam Pump Works"


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfpumpen 1871 [Katalog Steam Pumps (1871) eBay] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Als SpezialitĂ€t. "Knowles' Patent Steam Pump". Auch Pumpen fĂŒr Bergbau, Cornwall-Pumpen, Wasserdruckpumpen, Kolbenpumpen, Niederdruckpumpen
Dampfpumpen 1871 [Katalog Steam Pumps (1871) eBay] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Als SpezialitĂ€t. Auch Pumpen fĂŒr Bergbau, Cornwall-Pumpen, Wasserdruckpumpen, Kolbenpumpen, Niederdruckpumpen
Gußeisen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Iron foundry


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1874 125        


TEXTA prolific inventor and the founder of the well known Knowles' Steam Pump Works, at Warren, Massachusetts, and the mechanical head of the firm of L. J. Knowles & Brother, at Worcester, Massachusetts, was born at Hardwick, Massachusetts, July 2d, 1819. His father was a farmer, and excepting the three months in winter for school, young Knowles aided him on the farm, and occasionally in a carpenter's shop. It was in this shop that he first began to invent and construct machinery; although rude specimens, they were the curiosities shown to all vistors at the old home, during his early boyhood. At the age of fourteen, he was sent to a High School, kept in the town for six months of the year, and at the age of seventeen, he left his home in search of employment adapted to his delicate health and refined tastes. Not at this time fully understanding his capabilities he secured a situation as clerk in a store, in Shrewsbury, and devoted himself to the acquisition of the requisite knowledge for a trader. Before the end of the second year, he accepted the proffer of a partnership in the concern. Although he entered upon this enterprise with his accustomed energy, he soon found his tastes and inclinations ran in a different direction, and that he could not be happy without an opportunity of exercising his love for mechanical construction. Much of his time was spent in the investigation of new and wonderful discoveries in mechanics, and testing them by practical experiment. The back office of his store became more of a laboratory or machine shop than is usual or consistent with the prosperity of a merchant. In this office he invented many improvements in reed instruments which have come into general use by the various Seraphine and Reed Organ builders of this day. Here also, in 1840, he made and put in operation several working models of steam engines, and it was during these experiments that he invented the well known Knowles' Safety Steam Boiler Feed Regulator. Circumstances prevented his perfecting it at that time, and he did not apply for a patent, or introduce it to public use before 1857, since when, a constantly increasing demand has rendered its manufacture a large and prosperous business. On attaining his twenty-first year, he exchanged the pursuits of a merchant for those of a mechanic, and directed his attention to his favorite studies of Magnetism and Electricity, especially in relation to motive power. After constructing several engines, which he operated by means of electricity with considerable success, his attention was next attracted by a notice in a French journal, respecting the discovery, by M. Daguerre, of the means by which pictures could be produced upon silver plates by the action of the solar rays. He immediately began the work of experiments in that direction and continued them until he supposed all desirable discoveries had been attained, and then proceeded to the manufacture of a variety of machinery and materials used in the art, in the practice of which he continued during two years. His next invention was a machine for spooling thread, which he began to manufacture at New Worcester, and after a time turned his attention to the production of very fine numbers of thread, composed of six cords, and which had recently been introduced from England into this country. After two years spent in laborious experiment, he succeeded in the production of a six cord spool cotton equal to the English, and became fully convinced that in this direction lay an opportunity of introducing into this country with profit, a new and important branch of manufacturing industry. His means, however, were now absorbed in the prosecution of his business, and his success in this new enterprise must depend on association with a capitalist, and failing to obtain the desired connection, he withdrew, in 1847, from further pursuit of this undertaking. Collecting his slight remaining resources and associating with himself a young and enterprising man, the now well known firm of Knowles & Sibley came first into existence, and erecting a small cotton mill at Spencer, they commenced to manufacture cotton warps. This new firm entered upon their enterprise with energy and skill, and, after two years, the water power proving inadequate to their increased requirements, they removed their machinery to Warren, Massachusetts, where their career of success, commenced. Mr. Knowles began, in 1853, to manufacture woollen goods in a new mill, which business he continued with profit till 1859, when he sold out his interest. During all this time he was devoting his attention and spare means to his favorite pursuit - new inventions - and having now attained that point at which his financial resources would permit of efforts and experiments until success was achieved, he withdrew from the woollen manufacture, still retaining, however, entire ownership of his Cotton Mill, and entered on the production of his new inventions. He had hitherto employed only one or two hands merely in experimental work. He commenced the manufacture of his Patent Safety Steam Boiler Feeder, and, in 1858, that of the now well known Patent Steam Pump. From this period he began to reap some adequate reward for his skill and perseverance, and, besides many minor inventions, procured patents on three very important machines, viz.: - Beam Pumping Engine, Automatic Boiler Feeder, and his Fancy Loom for producing all kinds of narrow textile fabrics. In 1860, he disposed of one half the Steam Pump business, and the Pump Company began building their new shops, which they now occupy, at Warren. The manufacture, previously, had been at Springfield. With a gradual increase, from year to year, of their works and machinery, the Knowles Steam Pump Works, at Warren, Massachusetts, are now said to be the most extensive of the kind in the country, and have agencies in all the principal cities, and an extensive warehouse at 107 Liberty street, New York. Almost every year Mr. Knowles has added improvements to adapt these pumps to every different purpose, from the small compact pump for locomotives to the powerful and massive one for draining mines, and for the supply of cities and towns with water. This Pump is specially adapted for fire purposes, as it can work its valve by water pressure, and, in case of fire, it is not necessary to approach it to let off the water of condensation from the cylinder in order to start it. A peculiar trait in the character of Mr. Knowles is his determination never to allow a machine or invention to go before the public until fully satisfied of its completeness and perfect adaptation to the use intended. Hence, many of his inventions have lain unused for years, notwithstanding their being pronounced complete by those who had seen them, and were desirous of ordering the machinery at their own risk. For this reason almost all the inventions, from which he has derived, and now reaps, a rich reward, have remained on his hands for years, before the public enjoyed the full benefit of his labors. After getting the Pump Works in operation in 1861, Mr. Knowles associated with himself his younger brother, F. B. Knowles, under the style of L.J. Knowles & Brother, and began to manufacture the Tape Binding Loom under the different patents secured by him from time to time in preceding years. Their Works are located at Worcester, Massachusetts, and during the last five years their orders have increased so largely that the demand is in excess of their ability to supply it. The mechanical department of the Works has always been under the immediate and personal charge of Mr. L. J. Knowles, and his own fertile genius has been in constant activity to meet the wants of any person who desired machinery for the manufacture of any kind of new fabric. Mr. Knowles' nature and habits are essentially those of a student, quiet and retiring, yet his abilities have not been unrecognized by his fellow citizens. He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1862, and again re-elected in 1865. During his Legislative career, he never made himself conspicuous as a politician, but was especially interested in all legislation that had for its object the development of mechanical and manufacturing interests in the State, and rendered special services as a member of the Committee on Manufactures. During the four months' session of the Legislature of 1865, he became known to many literary and scientific men, and though never having had a collegiate education, yet, for his scientific and mechanical acquirements, he received from Williams College the honorary degree of Master of Arts. Mr. Knowles is one of the few inventors who have secured proper reward for their labors, and though of delicate health and in his time necessarily much engrossed by his various and extensive manufacturing interests, he has always been willing to extend aid to those whose misfortunes presented a claim upon his benevolence, as well as a liberal patron of charitable and religious institutions.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 2 (1868) 568]