Wm. H. Card, Geo. Grether, Fulton Boiler Yards and Sheet Iron Works
Firmenname | Wm. H. Card, Geo. Grether, Fulton Boiler Yards and Sheet Iron Works |
Ortssitz | Saint Louis (Missouri) |
Straße | Second Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Kesselschmiede und Blechwarenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | [Wiley (1874)]: "Fulton Sheet Iron and Boiler Works", Eigentümer: Allison and Rohan (vmtl. identisch). 1858: Unter obiger Firma, mit "Wm. H. Card & Co." als Eigentümer; Lage: Second Street, zwischen Cherry und Carr Streets. Bezug zu "Sheet Iron Works" mit B. Noel als Eigentümer ist unbekannt. |
Quellenangaben | [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 47] [Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 234] |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Blecharbeiten |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: sheet-iron work |
Kessel |
1858 |
[Taylor/Crooks] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: Boilers |
Schornsteine |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: smoke stacks |
Seifenkessel |
1858 |
[Taylor/Crooks] |
1858 |
[Taylor/Crooks] |
Tanks |
1858 |
[Taylor/Crooks] |
1858 |
[Taylor/Crooks] |
ZEIT | 1858 |
THEMA | Beschreibung |
TEXT | Among the numerous manufacturing establishments of St. Louis few possess stronger claims upon our attention than the concern belonging to the above firm, where the construction of boilers, tanks, cupules, soap-kettles, chimneys and other huge work employed in steamboats, soap factories, starch factories, breweries, mills, &c., is conducted on a scale of magnitude not surpassed, if indeed equaled, by any other house in the Western States. The facilities possessed by the above establishment for conducting an immense business at once strikes the eye on entering these extensive premises, where one finds himself surrounded with ingeniously constructed machinery of the most powerful and complex character, in which is concentrated the strength of a multitude of workmen. Here, amid the noisy din of hundreds of hammers closing rivets up, you see scores of sturdy Vulcans fashioning the huge sheets of metal with all the dexterity and ease of a tinier forming a tin vessel. Another striking feature in this establishment is the high degree of order and regularity that pervades every department of the extensive works, and the energy and skill displayed by its proprietors; themselves experienced, enterprising and successful workmen of superior attainments, whose maxim it is to use none but the best materials in their work, and employ none but the most skillful mechanics in the forming of it ? the more difficult branches of which requiring an intimate acquaintance with practical geometry, is usually done by their own hands; ? thus by leaving nothing to depend on the zeal of others, and inspecting personally every piece of metal that comes upon their premises, and examining every piece of work before it leaves them, they have by untiring energy and care acquired a reputation which thousands envy, but few try to merit. To convey to the stranger a faint idea of the capabilities of this concern, we may add that more than 300 tons of the best hammered American charcoal iron is consumed on the premises annually; and here the extent of the business and the number of employees often exceeding 100 hands, enables the firm to furnish work with a dispatch and at a price that places competition out of the question. But, as they say they will not be paid for doing bad work, it would be difficult to force them to furnish an inferior article on an inducement. We would strongly recommend parties in want of any thing in the above line to call at the Fulton Yards before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. Wm. H. Card, the senior partner, superintends the Boiler Yards and exercises a general supervision over the establishment; while on Mr. George Grether, the junior partner, depends the management of the Sheet Iron department. |
QUELLE | [Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 234] |