Kingsland, Ferguson & Co.


FirmennameKingsland, Ferguson & Co.
OrtssitzSaint Louis (Missouri)
StraßeEleventh Street
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
Anmerkungen1858: SĂ€gewerksfabrik (Hauptwerk): Ecke Second und Cherry Streets; landw. Maschinenfabrk: 11th Street. Lt. [Dean]: bis 1874 unter der Firma "Kingsland & Douglas" (s.d.) - [Ford]: "Kingsland & Douglas, successors to Kingsland, Ferguson & Co.". Adresse von "Kingsland & Douglas": 11th, 13th und Mullanphy Streets. Bei [Wendel: American farm implements (2004) 22] ist "Kingsland & Douglas" in einer Liste mit Handelsnamen 1892 angegeben. Somit ist "Kingsland & Douglas" eher der Nachfolger von Kingsland, Ferguson & Co.". Bei [Taylor/ Crooks]: "Phoenix Foundry & Agricultural Works, Kingslands & Ferguson, Proprietors" ("Kingslands" mit "s" am Schluß). In [Abridged business directory of St. Louis (1881)] als "Kingsland & Ferguson Manufacturing Co." in der 823 North 2nd Street.
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 48] [Dean: American cane mill (2008) 193] [Ford: Pocket cyclopedia of protection (1882)] [Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 221]


Zeit Ereignis
1844 GrĂŒndung durch George Kingsland und D. K. Ferguson zum Bau von landwirtschaftlichen und SĂ€gewerksmaschinen
1874 Tod von George Kingsland. Sein Sohn L. D. Kingsland wird sein Nachfolger
1885 "Kingsland, Ferguson & Co." wird eingetragen. Kingsland wird VizeprÀsident.
1887 Ferguson scheidet aus der Firma aus.
1887 E. W. Douglas, ein großer Anteilseigner, tritt nach dem RĂŒckzug von Ferguson in die Firma ein.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1881 [Abridged business directory] Vorgabe: Steam engines
landwirtschaftliche GerÀte 1858 [Taylor/Crooks] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: agricultural implements
SĂ€gen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] [Wiley]: saws
SĂ€gewerke 1858 [Taylor/Crooks] 58 [Taylor/Crooks] bewegliche SĂ€gewerke (Child's Patent Portable Saw Mills)

Firmen-Änderungen, ZusammenschĂŒsse, Teilungen, Beteiligungen

Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt

Zeit Bezug Abfolge andere Firma Kommentar
1887 Umbenennung danach Kingsland & Douglas Manufacturing Co.  


TEXTThis well known concern commenced business in St. Louis early in the year 1844, and has risen from the smallest to be the largest manufactory of agricultural machinery in the West. Their main establishment is situated on the corner of Second and Cherry streets, and is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Child's Patent Portable Saw Mills. The reputation which this mill has achieved renders it unnecessary for us to praise its many virtues. We will only say that those manufactured by Messrs. K. & F. are recognized by those who have tried them to be of a superior quality.
Their agricultural works are located on Eleventh street, near Cass avenue, where they make all their agricultural machines. A few of the agricultural implements which they are engaged in manufacturing we desire to call the reader's attention to, as they are in every way worthy the consideration of our farming community.
Messrs. Kingsland & Ferguson's is at present the only house west of the Mississippi river engaged in the manufacture of Manny's Patent Mower and Reaper, which is so well and favorably known throughout the United States and the Canadas. This machine has attracted more attention than any similar invention ever offered to the public. One of them was exhibited at the London World's Fair, and succeeded in carrying off the gold and silver medals, when they had the whole world to pete against. At the late trial of agricultural machinery before the United States Agricultural Society, held at Syracuse, New York, the gold and silver medals were awarded this machine. We do not wish to enumerate all the different fairs where this machine has been a successful candidate for prizes, for by so doing we should be compelled to mention every fair where it has been exhibited, for it has never failed to succeed wherever it has been offered. These machines manufactured at the works of Messrs. Kingsland & Ferguson are of a superior character, and are much preferred to those flimsy things which are made in Chicago, and which are constantly breaking and getting out of order. To those who intend purchasing one of these machines, we would recommend them to procure, if by any means possible, one that bears the brand of Messrs. Kingsland & Ferguson as makers.
They are also engaged in building the Cox & Roberts' Patent Thresher and Cleaner, which bears such a favorable reputation with the wheat-growing community. The success of this machine has been so prominent as to astonish those who are unacquainted with what was required by the farmer. There had long existed a want which all the many machines offered had failed to supply until this one was brought forth. So simple was its construction, and so fully did it answer all that was demanded, that it at once assumed a position as a favorite. Indeed it is a great desideratum, as all know that a machine to be useful to men who do not generally understand machinery, must be free from all extra gearing, and this one is eminently so. Its cheapness and adaptability are also considerations which receive much attention from purchasers; it is within the means of all, as we understand; the largest machine, which threshes and cleans over four hundred bushels wheat per day, costs complete only two hundred and seventy-five dollars. No neighborhood will, we are persuaded, long remain without one of these machines when this fact becomes generally known.
Besides these machines which we have specified, Messrs. K. & F. engage extensively in the manufacture of many other useful and valuable implements. In fact they are more largely engaged in manufacturing agricultural implements than any other house in the West, and we may say, without fear of contradiction, in the United States.
Some idea of the amount of work annually turned out from these works can be formed from the amount of raw material they use; among the items we may mention twelve hundred tons of pig iron, three hundred tons of bar iron, and about one million feet of lumber; besides a large amount of wire, brass, &c, &c.
The working arrangements of their works are very complete; a foreman who is a complete master of his trade has control over every department, while a superintendent gives his individual attention to the entire works, giving orders to the foremen of the different branches, and inspecting every article before it is offered for sale. They employ a corps of about 250 men steadily, and have none but those who are in every way competent to fill the position for which they are destined.
It is a matter of no small moment that such men as Messrs. K. & F. are located in our midst. They serve to develop the resources of the country, and by their business, energy and qualifications, add much to the wealth and prosperity of our city. We need not advise our readers to call and examine their terms before making purchases elsewhere, as their own good sense will suggest the same to them; but we will take this opportunity to say that they can furnish their machines as cheap as they can be made in the East.
QUELLE[Taylor/Crooks: Sketch book of St. Louis (1858) 221]