Jesse W. Starr & Sons, Camden Iron Works
Firmenname | Jesse W. Starr & Sons, Camden Iron Works |
Ortssitz | Camden (N.J.) |
Straße | Line Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik und Kesselschmiede |
Anmerkungen | Eigentümer: Jesse W. Starr & Sons. Büro in Philadelphia: 403 Walnut Street. Seit 1850 in Camden. Seit 1883: Teil von "R. D. Wood & Co.", Millville (s. unter der neuen Firma). Um 1884 Herstellung von Eisenrohren und Spezialguß. Betriebsleiter (1884): J. Graham Jr.; betrieben durch eine Gesellschaft. [Hexamer]: "Works started in 1852".. Gelegen am Cooper's Creek. |
Quellenangaben | [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 54] [Prowell: History of Camden County (1886) Chapter VII] [Hexamer General Surveys, Plates 1830-1831 (1884)] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1824 |
Gründung |
1845 |
John F. Starr, der die Eisengießerei von Elias Kaighn gepachtet hat, bau die Camden Iron Works am Fuß der Stevens Street an der Nordseite der Bridge Avenue, oberhalb der Third Street, zur Herstellung von Gaswrksmaschinen und Dampfrohren |
1846 |
John F. Starr hatte sich vor 1845 mit seinem Vater Moses Starr und seinem Bruder Jesse W. Starr zusammengetan, um eiserne Dampfboote zu bauden, die "Conestoga," "Independence" und "Ida," - und für eine Zeit in Hoboken, N.J., wo er das eiserne Dampfboot "John Stevens" baute. Sein Unternehmen in Camden wird ein Erfolg, und 1846 übernimmt Jesse W. Starr einen Anteil an dem Werk, eine andere Gießerei und Maschinenwerkstatt wird in der Bridge Avenue, unterhalb der Second Street in Betrieb genommen, wo Jesse W. Starr ein großes, dreigeschossiges Ziegelgebäude errichtet, lange bekannt als "Starr's Hall" und welches als Eisenwarengeschäft genutzt wurde. |
1847 |
Grunderwerb am Cooper's Creek, wo der Grundstein für einen großen Betrieb, bekannt als "Camden Iron Works" gelegt wird. |
1852 |
Betriebsaufnahme |
1883 |
"R. D. Wood & Co." (Philadelphia) kauft die Gießerei von J. W. Starr & Sons |
Herbst 1883 |
Erneute Betriebsaufnahme nach zweijährigem Stillstand |
Anfang 1884 |
Das Werk ist in vollem Betrieb |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampfrohre |
1845 |
Beginn (Bau der Iron Works) |
1886 |
[Prowell: History of Camden County] |
Gaswerke |
1845 |
Beginn (Bau der Iron Works) |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: Gas works |
Gußeisen-Rohre |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1883 |
Ãœbernahme durch R. D. Wood & Co. |
Vorgabe: cast-iron pipe |
Gußeisen-Rohre |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1883 |
Ãœbernahme durch R. D. Wood & Co. |
Vorgabe: cast-iron pipe |
Haltevorrichtungen |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: holders |
Kessel |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Vorgabe: boilers |
Maschinerie |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1883 |
Ãœbernahme durch R. D. Wood & Co. |
Vorgabe: machinery. Unsicher, ob schon Dampfmaschinen-/pumpen-Bau (jedenfalls unter Wood & Co. der Fall) |
Zeit |
Objekt |
Anz. |
Betriebsteil |
Hersteller |
Kennwert |
Wert |
[...] |
Beschreibung |
Verwendung |
1884 |
Dampfkessel |
7 |
unbekannt |
1884 |
Dampfpumpe |
1 |
Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation |
1884 |
Dampfpumpe |
1 |
unbekannt |
Zeit |
gesamt |
Arbeiter |
Angest. |
Lehrl. |
Kommentar |
1874 |
1300 |
1884 |
200 |
200 - 250 Arbeiter (ständig wachsend, maximal: 1000 Arbeiter) |
1886 |
800 |
ca. 800 |
Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt
Zeit |
Bezug |
Abfolge |
andere Firma |
Kommentar |
1883 |
Umbenennung |
danach |
R. D. Wood & Co., Camden Iron Works |
Von Starr and Wood verkauft |
ZEIT | 1874 |
THEMA | Angaben zum Unternehmen |
TEXT | This works was engaged in wrought-iron work, and in Camden in 1850. The establishment covers an area of seven acres, and is located in South Camden, on Cooper Creek, which affords wharfage for a length of 1,800 feet, and water connection with the Delaware River, a track from the Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad furnishing rail communication in all directions. The foundries occupy eight buildings, of which the largest are 190 by 60 feet, and 24 feet high. In the pipe works the capacity, when running full, is near 150 tons per day. Additional works are being constructed of stone, to be finished in the spring of 1874, and will be used for machine and pattern shops. This building is 279 feet long by 66 feet wide, and two stories high, with a wing, 67 by 66 feet, of one story, designed for core ovens, etc., and which will be extended 180 feet, as a loam shop for castings. The whole works is gradually being rebuilt, and when completed is intended to be the most extensive works of its kind in the world. The Messrs. Starr & Sons have another foundry in Camden proper, consuming some forty tons of iron daily. The firm has furnished gas holders and machinery for many cities in all sections of the country, and shipped water-mains and heavy pipe throughout the country. A train of cars loaded with heavy pipe left these works in 1873 for San Francisco, where the freight was delivered without breaking bulk. |
QUELLE | [Wigley: Iron industry (1874)] |
| |
ZEIT | 1886 |
THEMA | Beschreibung |
TEXT | In 1845 John F. Starr, who had leased the iron foundry of Elias Kaighn, at the foot of Stevens Street, built the Camden Iron Works, on the north side of Bridge Avenue, above Third Street, for the manufacture of gas works machinery and steam-pipes. He had previously been associated with his father, Moses Starr, and brother, Jesse W. Starr, in building iron steamboats - the "Conestoga," "Independence" and "Ida," - and for a time at Hoboken, N.J., where he built the iron steamboat "John Stevens." His Camden enterprise was a success, and, in 1846, Jesse W. Starr, taking an interest in the works, another foundry and machine shop was started on Bridge Avenue, below Second Street, where Jesse W. Starr erected the large threestory brick building, long known as Starr?s Hall, and which was used as a hardware store. The firm then employed a hundred men, but orders exceeded their facilities, and in 1847 the ground was bought on Cooper?s Creek, and then was laid the foundation for the extensive establishment known as the Camden Iron Works, now one of the most extensive manufacturing industries in West Jersey.
In 1888 the works were purchased by a stock company, in which R.D. Wood & Co., of Philadelphia, are largely interested. The works had not been in operation for nearly two years previous to this purchase, but were successfully started again in the fall of 1883, after some needed improvements had been made. Early in 1884 the entire works were in fall operation, and since that time have been steadily running to their full capacity. The buildings in which the different branches of the business are carried on, cover an area of twenty acres, with an additional tract of twenty-one acres, used for storing material and manufactured products. The buildings include six large foundries for the manufacture of cast-iron pipes, machinery for gas works, water works plants and other heavy machinery, one large machine shop, two boiler shops, carpenter and pattern shops, blacksmith shops, store-houses, offices and stables. These are all conveniently located on the grounds. Five powerful steam-engines supply the motive-power of the many and varied patterns of improved and automatic machinery used in the mechanical department of the works. Two large duplex pumping engines furnish the water supply for fire protection and general purposes. Coopers Creek, which is navigable some distance above the works, gives the company excellent facilities for water transportation, and several branch tracks of the Camden and Amboy Railroad enter the works at various points. About eight hundred men are employed in the different departments. The products of the Camden Iron Works have acquired a great reputation for excellence of manufacture. They are shipped and supplied to all parts of the United States. R.D. Wood & Co. now operate the works. Walter Wood, of Philadelphia, is president, and John Graham, Jr., also of Philadelphia, is the general manager. |
QUELLE | [Prowell: History of Camden County (1886) Chapter VII] |