E. & R. J. Gould
Firmenname | E. & R. J. Gould |
Ortssitz | Newark (New Jersey) |
Straße | Railroad Avenue 97 |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Auch unter der Firma "Gould Manufacturing Co.". 1868: "Gould Machine Company", in der Railroad Avenue, Green and Lafayette streets; Lagerhaus: 102 Liberty street. |
Quellenangaben | [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 58] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 220] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1835 |
Gründung durch Ezra Gould |
1862 |
Ezra Gould überträgt die Firma auf seine beiden Söhne, die von der Gesetzgebung von New Jersey, durch ein spezielles Gesetz, die Gründungsurkunde der Eintragung als "Gould Machine Company" erhalten, mit einem Kapital von 100.000 und dem Recht zur Erhöhung auf 250.000. |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampffeuerspritzen |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Zusatz: "fire department work" |
Dampffeuerspritzen |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
1874 |
[Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] |
Zusatz: "fire department work" |
Dampfpumpen |
eBay (2008): eine liegende, schwungradlose Duplexpumpe (Hersteller "The Gould Mfg. Co.") |
Dampfpumpen |
eBay (2008): eine liegende, schwungradlose Duplexpumpe (Hersteller "The Gould Mfg. Co.") |
ZEIT | 1868 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | Is one of the oldest and largest manufacturers of machinery in the State of New Jersey. The Works were founded in 1835 by Ezra Gould, and his machine shop was the second established in Newark. At that time there were but two steam engines in operation in that city, where there are now several hundred; and the tools in use, compared with the improved machines of the present day, were extremely ineffective. The business remained under his supervision until 1862, when he transferred it to his two sons, who obtained from the Legislature of New Jersey, by special act, a charter of incorporation as the Gould Machine Company, with a capital of 100.000, and privilege of increasing it to 250.000. The Works of this Company are situated on Railroad Avenue, Green and Lafayette streets, on the line of the Camden & Amboy and New Jersey Railroads, and consist of a Machine Shop, an Iron and Brass Foundry, Boiler Shop, Pattern Shop, and other auxiliary buildings, with tke necessary yard room. They possess ample accommodation for the employment of five hundred hands, if so many should be required. They are equipped with all the best tools for the prosecution of the business, and, in this respect, are probably, not surpassed by any in the country. The manufactures of this Company include a great variety of Machinists' Tools, and Wood-Working Machinery, Steam Engines and Boilers, Portable Engines, Saw Mills, Steam Fire Engines, Leather Hose, and other Fire Apparatus, Castings, and Machine Shop Forge and Foundry Equipments. Their machine tools are distinguished for their simplicity and originality of construction. The first compound planer ever made in this country was designed and built at these Works; and many other machines now in extensive use owe their paternity to the mechanical and inventive genius of the founder. The Steam Fire Engines manufactured here possess several important improvements which have been patented, and it is claimed that by means of them, "with the same sized steam cylinder and pressure of steam, they discharge from seventy-five to one hundred per cent, more water than any other made; and are consequently that much more efficient, being able to project further and with greater force through any sized nozzle or length of hose, and have always their maximum efficiency, no matter where placed - whether near or far from the fire, whether playing through large or small nozzles, or where one or more streams are used." This is accomplished by means of the Pump, by which the discharge of water or the effective area of the pump is regulated to suit the various positions of the Engines at a fire. It is also capable of being applied to various other uses. Among other important inventions originated by the members of this Company is a Pump for compressing air or other gases. This consists of two cylinders of different diameters, the air being first compressed from the large to the small cylinder, and from thence to the tank or receiver. By means of this pump it is claimed that four times more air can be put to the same pressure than by any other contrivance now known, with an equal expenditure of power. The present officers of the Grould Machine Company are F. H. Gould, President, and Roscoe J. Gould, Treasurer. The warehouse is at 102 Liberty street, New York, where they also execute orders as supply merchants for other machinery than that manufactured at their Works. |
QUELLE | [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 220] |