H. A. Rodgers, East River Iron Works


FirmennameH. A. Rodgers, East River Iron Works
OrtssitzNew York (N.Y.)
StraßeFront Street 334
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Kesselschmiede
Anmerkungen1868: Samuel Secor & Co., Eigentümer; Washington Street 96-100, neues Werk in der East Twentieth Street. 1874: H. A. Rodgers, Eigentümer und Adresse: 334 Front and 384 South Street.
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 94] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 202]


Zeit Ereignis
1850 Samuel Secor beginnt sein Geschäft in der 96, 98 and 100 Washington Street.
06.1863 Secor schließt sich mit Ephraim Miller, Jr. unter der Firma "Samuel Secor & Co." zusammen
2. Hälfte 1863 Secor und Miller beginnen den Bau einer neuen Fabrik am Fuß der East Twentieth Street, die im selben Jahr fertiggestellt wird.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Steam engines
Kessel 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: boilers
Schiffsdampfkessel 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865] 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865]  
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865] 1865 [New York Times, 09.07.1865]  


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
um 1865 200       um 200 bei Vollbeschäftigung


TEXTBelong to the class of the great Marine Engine Works, for which New York is famous, and, properly, should have been noticed in that connection. In 1850, Mr. Samuel Secor commenced business at 96, 98 and 100 Washington street, confining himself principally to the construction of High Pressure Boilers, Tanks, etc., and the repairing of Steamboats and Steamships. The Southern States, previous to the late rebellion, made large drafts upon his mechanical resources, and supplied him with many orders. After the breaking out of the war, he built several large Marine Boilers for some of the Iron-clads of the Monitor class. While building these, he found his shops too contracted to accommodate his increasing business, and he determined upon erecting an establishment on the East River, where most of the principal Marine Engine Works are located. In June, 1863, he associated with him Mr. Ephraim Miller, Jr., under the firm name of Samuel Secor & Co., and they immediately commenced the erection of the new works at the foot of East Twentieth street, completing them the same year. These works are very extensive, and are supplied with all the necessary tools and conveniences for building Engines, Boilers, and other machinery, of the largest sizes. The United States Navy Department, as well as the Merchant service, has availed itself of their increased facilities, and a number of large Marine Boilers and Engines have been constructed for both. Besides these, a large variety of miscellaneous work has been executed during the last five years, both in these and in the shops on Washington street, which are continued by them as a branch. When in full operation, the works employ from six hundred to seven hundred men. The mechanical part of the business is under the immediate supervision of Mr. Samuel Secor, who has had a practical experience of forty years, as a Machinist and Engineer. The Horizontal Tubular Boiler, for land use, which has effected a great saving of fuel, and is now extensively used, was first successfully introduced by him.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 202]