Harrison Boiler Works


FirmennameHarrison Boiler Works
OrtssitzPhiladelphia (Penns.)
StraßeGray's Ferry Road
Art des UnternehmensKesselschmiede
Anmerkungen1866: "Joseph Harrison jr.". 1874: Adresse: Gray's Ferry Road and Carpenter Street, am U.S.-Arsenal. Specialty, Harrison Boiler, the invention of the proprietor, who has received the highest premiums for it, among which was the Rumford Medal, awarded by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at Boston, Jan. 9th, 1872. This boiler is in extensive use in Philadelphia, and claimed to be absolutely non-explosive. 1895: "Harrison Safety Boiler Works", wirbt mit: Wharton-Harrison Safety Boiler.
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 133] [Electrical World Magazine (Mai 1895): Anzeige] [Pennsylvania and the Centennial Exposition (1878) 120] [Bishop: History of Am. manuf. 3 (1868) 42]
Hinweise[McElroy's Philadelphia city directory (1866)]. Lt. Werbung (1868) ist der Harrison-Boiler ein eingemauerter Schrägrohrkessel ohne Wasserkammern an den Enden. Jedes "Wasserrohr" besteht aus Elementen von gußeisernen Kugeln (D= 8", jeweils in einer Reihe (in der Abb.: 4 Kugeln) und untereinander verbunden als 1 Gußstück), die durch durchgehende Bolzen mit Kopf am einen und Gewinde am anderen zusammengehalten werden. Diese Elemente sind senkrecht und gegeneinander versetzt angeordnet, so daß eine Vernetzung entsteht und die untereinander liegenden Reihen miteinander verbunden sind. An der höchsten Stelle (vorn, oben) ist ein querliegendes Dampfentnahmerohr mit Sicherheitsventil. Fabrikschild bei eBay für Frischdampf-Wasserabscheider: "Cochrane Live Steam Separator, Patented May 8 1892, Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Manufacturers".


Zeit Ereignis
1859 Erste Verwendung von Harrison's Boilers


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfkessel 1866 [McElroy's Philadelphia] 1876 Weltausstellung (100-PS-Kessel ausgestellt) 1866 als "Jos. Harrison jun."


TEXTHave recently been greatly enlarged, and are entitled to rank among the important Iron works of Philadelphia. They are owned and managed by Joseph Harrison, Jr., an eminent engineer, and are employed exclusively in making a Steam Boiler of his invention, involving entirely new principles of construction. It is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollow spheres, each eight inches in external diameter, and three eighths of an inch thick, connected by curved necks, and held together by wrought-iron tie bolts. No punching or riveting, which lessens the strength of wrought-iron boiler plates forty per cent., is required in its construction; and every boiler is tested by hydraulic pressure at three hundred pounds to the square inch. Mr. Harrison, the inventor, is no less distinguished for his scientific attainments than for his long and varied experience as a manufacturer, and he has not hesitated to claim for this form of Boiler, after practical tests for a series of years, ABSOLUTE SAFETY FROM EXPLOSION. His claims are, in fact, so bold and original, and so important to all manufacturers using steam power, that it will not be amiss to set them forth at length. He says of this Boiler : It cannot be burst under any practicable steam pressure. Under pressure which might cause rupture in ordinary boilers, every point in this becomes a safety valve. No other steam generator possesses this property of relief under extreme pressure, without injury to itself, and thus preventing disaster. It is not seriously affected by corrosion, which soon destroys the wrought-iron boiler. Most explosions occur from this cause. It has economy in fuel, equal to the best boilers. Any kind of fuel may be used under this boiler, from the most expensive to refuse coal dust. It produces superheated steam without separate apparatus, and is not liable to priming or foaming. It is easily transported, and may be taken apart so that no piece need weigh more than eighty pounds. In difficult places of access, the largest boiler may be put through an opening one foot square. It is readily cleaned, inside and out. Under ordinary circumstances it is kept free from permanent deposit by blowing the water entirely out under full pressure once a week. It requires no special skill in its management or erection. Injured parts can be renewed with great facility, as they are uniform in shape and size. When renewed, the entire boiler remains as good as new. The greater part of the boiler will never need renewal, unless unfairly used. A boiler may be increased to any extent by simply adding to its width, and being the multiplication of a single form, its strength remains the same for all sizes. It has less weight, and takes less than one half the ground area of the ordinary cylinder boiler, without being increased in height. As an evidence of its safety, in one instance, by the accidental rupture of a water pipe (not apart of the boiler but connected with it), its whole contents were discharged, under a pressure of about one hundred pounds to the square inch, a full fire being in active combustion at the time. Means were taken, as soon as practicable, to deaden the fires, but the boiler became, as a matter of course, unduly heated. Under these circumstances, and as soon as the ruptured pipe could be closed, the boiler, without giving it time to cool, was refilled with cold water, steam was again raised, and all went on as before, the boiler sustaining no injury. What would have happened under the same circumstances with an ordinary wrought-iron boiler may be easily inferred." Mr. Harrison's Boilers have been in use since 1859, and many extensive manufacturers in Philadelphia, New York, and New England have taken out their old boilers and adopted these. One hundred and twenty men are at this time employed in these Works, which are now making six tons of boilers every day, with a constantly increasing demand. It would really seem that the desideratum so long sought for in boiler making - safety from explosion - has been attained, and, if further experience establishes this as a fact, Mr. Harrison will deserve the rewards and honors due to all who are the World's Benefactors.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 42]