Novelty Iron Works
Firmenname | Novelty Iron Works |
Ortssitz | Victoria (Kanada) |
Straße | Store Street |
Art des Unternehmens | Eisenwerk |
Anmerkungen | Eigentümer: Thomas Gowen. Maschinenwerkstatt: 50 x 32' mit zwei Stockwerken; drei Drehbänke, 1 Borhmaschine, 6-PS-Dampfmaschine. Im Obergeschoß das Modellager. |
Quellenangaben | [1882 Victoria Directory (Internet] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1878 |
Gründung |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Schiffsdampfmaschinen |
1882 |
[1882 Victoria Directory (Internet] |
1882 |
[1882 Victoria Directory (Internet] |
ZEIT | 1882 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | At the corner of Store and Chatham streets there is a large brick building three stories high, used as a pattern shop; the basement is used as a storehouse for iron, steel, &c., &c. The machine shop is 250 x 50, two stories high, fitted with machinery of the newest and most perfect kind, capable of completing the largest work on the Coast; there is nothing to compare with these works, even in Portland. The machinery comprises two large and powerful lathes, for heavy work, five smaller lathes, one planer with a 25 foot bed, one planer with 18 foot bed, on shaping machine, one gear cutting machine, three boring machines, one emery wheel, and a very powerful crane. Mr. Spratt manufactures steam engines of every description, fish canning machinery of all kinds, and has patented a fish can filler that can do the work of twenty men. He has also a large contract for supplying 700,000 pounds of iron for railway piers and bridges and a number of derrick winches. In the pattern room all the patterns required for the works are made. There are two lathes for turning wood, and circular, band, and jig saws. The brass finishing shop is 65 x 30 feet, and contains a circular facing machine, emery wheel, five lathes, two pipe cutting machines, and one milling machine. Here all the work coming from the brass foundry is finished, and may be seen in different states of progress. In the basement are placed the machines for the manufacture of nuts, washers, bolts, and rivets. The boiler house adjoins the brass finishing shop, and contains a 50 horse power boiler, supplying an engine of 12 horse power in each of the following shops, viz., the machine shop, the brass finishing shop and the foundry. The blacksmith shop, 90 x 50 feet, is replete with all the machinery needed for the heaviest work, including a 5 ton steam hammer. The foundry, 90 x 50 feet, with an L 50 x 30 feet, contains a large oven for drying cores, two cupolas, each 5 feet in diameter, a steam elevator, a mill for cleaning castings, another for grinding faces, and two large cranes. The brass foundry is 40 x 20 feet and contains core oven and four crucible furnaces. The stove fitting shop is 40 x 20 feet and adjoins the brass foundry. The stove warehouse contains more than 30 different kinds of stoves, all made here, for kitchen, parlor, hall or other purposes. The number of men employed averages 100. |
QUELLE | [1882 Victoria Directory (Internet] |