Farm and Dairy Utensil Manufacturing Company


FirmennameFarm and Dairy Utensil Manufacturing Company
OrtssitzBrantford (Kanada)
StraßeDuke Street
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenFabrik in den Duke und Waterloo Streets, bekantn als "Jones' Foundry". Inhaber: M. Whiting, Wm. J. Scarfe, H. M. Wilson, A. D. Cable, M. F. Hale und Robert Smyth. Beamte der Gesellschaft: M. Whiting, Präsident; H. M. Wilson, Vizepräsident; M. F. Hale, Sekretär; R. C. Smyth, Schatzmeister. Das Hauptgebäude hat 140 feet x 50 feet und ist zwei Stockwerke hoch; die Fabrik 60 x 25'; die Schmiede 24 x 50'; und der Trockenofen 18 x 36'.
Quellenangaben[Profiles of Brant County companies, banks, societies, & churches (1883) Internet]


Zeit Ereignis
1881 Gründung mit einem Kapital von 50.000 Dollar
Anfang 1882 Kauf des 1882 des Anwesens an den Duke und Waterloo Streets ("Jones' Foundry").


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Kultivatoren 1881 Beginn (Gründung) 1883 [Profiles von Brant County (1883)] with broadcast spreader attached
Milchseparatoren 1881 Beginn (Gründung) 1883 [Profiles von Brant County (1883)]  
Milchseparatoren 1881 Beginn (Gründung) 1883 [Profiles von Brant County (1883)]  
Saugpumpen 1881 Beginn (Gründung) 1883 [Profiles von Brant County (1883)] vmtl. für Molkereien

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfmaschine   unbekannt


TEXTThe Farm and Dairy Utensil Manufacturing Company was organized in 1881, with a capital stock of $50,000. A charter was obtained on the 27th of July of the same year by M. Whiting, Wm. J. Scarfe, H. M. Wilson, A. D. Cable, M. F. Hale, and Robert Smyth. The officers of the company are: M. Whiting, President; H. M. Wilson, Vice-President; M. F. Hale, Secretary; R. C. Smyth, Treasurer. The business of which this is an outgrowth was established in the beginning of 1881 by Mr. Whiting, who had all his goods manufactured to order. Early in 1882 he purchased the present location of the company's works on Duke and Waterloo Streets, which was then known as Jones' Foundry, and here built the commodious factories which are known as above. The main building is 140 feet by 50 feet, two stories high; the factory 60 by 25; the blacksmith shop 24 by 50; and the dry kiln 18 by 36. The latter, which is used for seasoning and drying lumber, is of an improved pattern, and one of a very few in Canada. The products of this factory are: The Improved Wide-Awake Separator; Bickford's Combined Force, Lift Tank and Suction Pump; the Weller Independent Spring-tooth Cultivator, with broadcast spreader attached; and the Monarch Fanning Mill. They employ about twenty men. A twenty-five horse-power engine is used for driving the machinery. More to follow.
QUELLE[Profiles of Brant County companies, banks, societies, & churches (1883) Internet]