J. H. Carruthers & Co. Ltd.


FirmennameJ. H. Carruthers & Co. Ltd.
OrtssitzPolmadie (b. Glasgow)
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenBezeichnet sich auf einem Fabrikschild als "Pump and Crane Makers" mit Sitz in Glasgow. Auch mit dem Zusatz "Polmadie Iron Works".
Quellenangaben[CARRUTHERS PUMPS Instruction Book/ Brochure (eBay)]


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfpumpen   [Instruction Book]: zeigt Duplexpumpe   [Instruction Book, undatiert] "Since 1887 we have made the design and manufacture of Pumping Machinery a special study. One Object therefore, of this Brochure will be attained if it assists Engineer-In-Charge, to a better understanding of the machinery in their care."
Krane   Fabrikschild (undatiert) bei eBay      
Pumpen   [Instruction Book, undatiert]   [Instruction Book, undatiert] "Since 1887 we have made the design and manufacture of Pumping Machinery a special study. One Object therefore, of this Brochure will be attained if it assists Engineer-In-Charge, to a better understanding of the machinery in their care."