D. A. Woodbury & Co.


FirmennameD. A. Woodbury & Co.
OrtssitzRochester (N.Y.)
StraßeMill Street
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenAdresse: Ecke Mill und Furnace Streets. Mit dem Zusatz "Steam Engine Manufacturers. Devoting their whole attention to manufacturing a few particular sizes of Engines and Boilers, and making them in lots, a large number at a time, with Machinery and Tools expressly adapted to sizes made, and taking advantage of every available facility, are confident they are affording a superior article, at prices that cannot be procured elsewhere.". Später (um 1879): "Woodbury, Booth & Co." (s.d.). 1885: "Woodbury Engine Co."
Quellenangaben[Buffalo business directory (1855) 197; Internet] [Power (1885), Anzeige] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 259]


Zeit Ereignis
1851 Gründung
1851 Die Firma veröffentlicht eine Liste von bestimmten Dampfmaschinen-Größen, die von 10 PS bis zu 35 PS reicht, zu Preisen weit unter denen, die man früher hörte. Das ist durch den Bau von großen Stückzahlen jeder Größe möglich.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] "steam engine manufacturers"
Dampfpfeifen 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] "steam whistles"
Hähne 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] "cocks"
Kessel 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1885 [Power (1885), Anzeige] 1885: zylindrischer Kessel
Manometer 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] "steam pressure gauges"
Ventile 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] 1855 [Buffalo business directory (1855) 197] "valves"

Firmen-Änderungen, Zusammenschüsse, Teilungen, Beteiligungen

Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt

Zeit Bezug Abfolge andere Firma Kommentar
1 Umbenennung danach Woodbury, Booth & Co. zwischen 1855 und 1879


TEXTHave one of the most remarkable Steam Engine establishments in the United States. In 1851 this firm astonished the makers of steam engines by publishing and offering a list of certain sizes, ranging from ten to thirty-five horsepower, at prices much below any that had ever been heard of before. This they were enabled to do by building a large quantity of each size at one time and confining their attention to one article of manufacture. Their workshops are conducted upon the English plan, each workman having a limited and uniform range of duty throughout the year. The principle upon which they commenced business secured the favor of the public, and their Engines are so popular both in the United States and in the Canadas, that though they designed to keep a large stock of finished Engines on hand at all times, the demand has outstripped their facilities for manufacturing. Messrs. Woodbury A Co. are about erecting new and more commodious workshops.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 259]