John T. Noye Manufacturing Company
Firmenname | John T. Noye Manufacturing Company |
Ortssitz | Buffalo (N.Y.) |
Art des Unternehmens | Maschinenfabrik |
Anmerkungen | Um 1868 bezeichnet als "John T. Noye's Mill Stone Manufactory". Um 1884: Henry Raymond als Sekretär. Hat um 1894 ein "Steam Engine Department" und firmiert als "The John T. Noye Manufacturing Co.". [Briefbogen]. Stellt auch Mühlen her. Gegründet 1834 oder 1854 (im [Katalog (1892)] schlecht lesbar). [New york city record (1892) 334]: Ney York, 89 Liberty Street. |
Quellenangaben | div. Fundstellen im Internet [Catalogue of roller mills (1893) eBay] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 271] |
Zeit |
Ereignis |
1852 |
Aufnahme der Produktion |
1884 |
J. T. Noye, Buffalo, erhält die Goldmedaille für seine Rice Automatic Cut-Off-Dampfmaschine auf der Ausstellung in Cincinnati |
Produkt |
ab |
Bem. |
bis |
Bem. |
Kommentar |
Dampfmaschinen |
1877 |
[American Machinist (1877)] |
1901 |
Pan-American Exhibition |
Lieferte auch Dampfdynamo für Passagierdampfer "Pilgrim". 1877: Rice automatic cut-off engines. 1894: Abb. einer Tandemmaschine mit Flachschieber. 1892: autonatic engines |
Müllereimaschinen |
1892 |
Katalog (1892) |
1892 |
Katalog (1892) |
Walzenstühle |
1892 |
Katalog (1892) |
1892 |
Katalog (1892) |
ZEIT | 1868 |
THEMA | Firmenbeschreibung |
TEXT | A person who desires to construct and equip a Mill, can obtain every thing, from a steam engine to the bolting cloths. He has simply to send a statement and diagram of the situation, size desired, and other particulars, and the entire mill, except the buildings (and the designs for these are frequently included), will be furnished. We know of no other establishment of the kind so complete in all its appointments. Mr. Noye is also distinguished as an inventor as well as a manufacturer. His Centrifugal Feeding Portable Mill has effected a revolution in the ideas of millers as to the relative value of large and small stones. He commenced the manufacture in 1852, and such were the prejudices of old millers against small stones, that the sales during the first year did not exceed a half dozen mills. One after another, however, was induced to test the experiment, and found the results eminently satisfactory. Brown & Smead, at their steam mill in Portage, N. Y., found that by means of Mr. Noye's improvement they could make a hundred barrels of flour with only one and a half cords of wood; and O. Whitney & Co. at their large steam mill in Detroit did the same work with one ton of bituminous coal. What was then an experiment has now become a fixed fact, namely, that portable mills with the centrifugal feeding principle can be run (say three feet stones) with an economy of power over large stones of from twenty-five to thirty-three per cent.; and the flour, from its superior liveliness, is preferred by bakers. Mr. Noye is also the inventor of an improved Bolting Reel, a Pressure Mill, a Plantation Corn Mill, a Smut Machine and Separator, a Centre Yent Turbine Water Wheel, a Chinese Sugar-Cane Mill and Sugar Mill Horse-Power, and other contrivances that exhibit the fertility of his genius and his skill in the adaptation of mechanics to useful purposes. |
QUELLE | [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 271] |