A. T. Serrell & Son


FirmennameA. T. Serrell & Son
OrtssitzNew York (N.Y.)
StraßeEleventh Avenue
AnmerkungenLage: Eleventh Avenue und 58th Street. Auch mit Zusatz "New York Moulding Planing Mill".
Quellenangaben[New Yorks great industries (1884) 334]


Zeit Ereignis
01.09.1846 Gründung

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfmaschine vor 1884 unbekannt


TEXTIt seems to be vithin reason to believe that houses with an experience of thirty or forty years must have facilities and be in a position to offer inducements unknown to others. Cer-ainly they have the time to become familiar with the best sources of supply, and learn the taste and wishes of heir customers. Among those establishments we should not fail to mention the old, reliable and well known firm of A. T. Serrell & Son. This firm was established by A. T. Serrell Sept. 1, 1846, and is the oldest moulding planing mill in the world. They are manufacturers and dealers in elliptical, straight and circular mouldings, doors, sash, blinds and trimmings, mouldings of various patterns always on hand, and worked to any shape required. They occupy two lots one hundred by one hundred and fifty feet, on which is a large planing mill, with an engine of sixty horse-power. They give employment to thirty-two men and carry a large stock. The members of this firm are A. T. and A. W. Serrell, who are gentlemen of experience and are highly regarded and respected for their strict mercantile honor. During the thirty-eight years they have been established in business they have built up a large trade. The characteristics which regulate the business of this firm are such as entitle it to universal consideration, and the extent of its operations have made it a very prominent firm in New York, while the inducements offered to purchasers are of the most advantageous character.
QUELLE[New Yorks great industries (1884) 334]